Author Topic: bet under 2  (Read 12876 times)

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bet under 2
« on: 10 Jan 2011, 21:13 »
hey guys just want to know how to use x.feeder because im an amateur in using it....i wanted to know in poker how we can bet in favour with odd 2 one hand that in beginning of the game is on 3.98 (the bet only entering if the odd decreases odd 2) ....thank u very much

  • Tim Vetrov
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  • Gender: Male
Re: bet under 2
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jul 2011, 14:12 »
Unfortunately you can bet at the prices are on the market (they are unmatched bets that you can match with yours).
The prices don't move much during the round and all unmatched bets are cancelled by BetFair when the market is suspended between the rounds. So you can't place an unmatched bet that lasts during the whole game. But you can place it with the triggers when the price drops down to 2.
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