Author Topic: Exporting logs to Excel  (Read 13317 times)

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Exporting logs to Excel
« on: 23 Nov 2010, 10:22 »

When I open the statement in Xfeeder it is layed our well and easy to read, when I import a log file into excel I can't seem to get the delimiter right to make it easy to read and as a consequence it is very hard to read and or filter because it is all over the place.

How would I import any of the channel log files into excel so they are easily readable (not to mention filterable) just as the statement is in Xfeeder itself?


  • Tim Vetrov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 4910
  • Gender: Male
Re: Exporting logs to Excel
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jul 2011, 14:18 »
Go to c:\program files\X-Feeder\logs\statement\ folder and copy files of the days you need to your folder.
Then change the extension of the files to csv and open them with Excel.
Delete first row.
Then click to the "Text to columns", select "delimiter" -> "comma".
The columns are:
Date/time, Channel name, Selection name, Type of the transaction, Amount, Price, Win/Lose, P/L, Funds after, Game ID, Market ID, Max market P/L
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