Author Topic: Issue with "Backing according to D'Alembert staking plan" trigger  (Read 2857 times)

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I'm testing the "Backing according to D'Alembert staking plan" trigger in test mode and it seems like it's not operating properly.
There is some minor issues like for example getting wrong default back amount after reseting it manually.Say on the next day i'm starting triggered trading again and i'm reseting the default back amount (entering the minimum bet amount in the box).
After a loss the next increase in bet amount is equal to the sum of the last bet for the previous day and the minimum bet amount.But this is usually fixed by opening the triggers menu and hitting "save triggers" button a few times.

The main issue is the trigger stops increasing bet amount after reaching value of 40(starting from the minimal bet - 4.00).After reaching 40 and any additional loss it only bets the last same amount (40) and after a win it decreases bet amount again accordingly.
I'm unable to test properly any strategy because of this bug and i would appreciate any advice on how can it be fixed. Thanks!

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What,is there no one else who have used this trigger but me?
No one noticed the increasing over 40 issue?
I thought i might subscribe for x-feeder if it's doing ok ,but now i cant see how could i use this staking plan (and its a good MM plan for my play).
I would like to ask the support team to try and help me with this one as i dont seem to be able to solve it myself.
Or if no one cares,fine - i'll have to move on to another bot platform.

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i don't use x-feeder, i use marketfeederpro.
but if you have a problem or think there is a bug, then you should go direct to support, and it is not a good time of the year to expect instant responces.

merry christmas

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Well, if you had bothered to read the description of this staking trigger, you would have discovered that the max. bet size is limited to 10 units, which for a 4 euro unit would result in a max. bet of 40 euros.  Opening and saving the trigger file will reset all variables to their opening values.

If you want a larger max. bet size then open the trigger file and have a look at where this variable is set and change it accordingly.

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  • Posts: 3
Hi,thanks for the comment.
I did read the description,otherwise i wouldnt know what is the trigger doing.Apparently i haven't paid much attention to the last sentence though:).
Now i'll go read about the variables and will try to change it accordingly.
Thank you for the help and Merry Christmas to all.


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