Author Topic: previous triggered event status  (Read 4230 times)

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previous triggered event status
« on: 16 Nov 2017, 21:01 »
Can anyone shed any light on this variable ?

My intra day triggers are failing regularly after the first lay (its a loss recovery plan).

I have examined the logs carefully and legitimate qualifyingbtrades fail to be placed due to this error, obviously the trigger keeps a track in running of when an event is triggered and somehow detects when this market is settled. The question I have is does it go to the betfair DB to detect when this markey is settled ? is so this means (correct me if im wrong) that if the next market comes along in say 5 minutes and the selections qualify, but the prev market snt settled , the whole days trigger collapes.

So is there an expert who can confirm that my trigger plan should not have markets close together in time as they must settle first before the next selection can be placed ??

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Re: previous triggered event status
« Reply #1 on: 16 Nov 2017, 22:35 »
You do need to leave reasonable gaps to allow the previous triggered event to settle.  In horseracing 10 min is usually enough,  but not always.   In the event of a market not being settled, future markets will still have bets triggered when the offending market eventually settles.  The whole day's betting will not fail due to a late settling market, but obviously if, for whatever reason, a market failed to settle then future bets would not be triggered.   Place bets as close to the off as possible using a condition:  Markets minutes before the off is less than 0.1

If you leave out the the  Previous triggered Events status is settled  condition, then all bets will be placed, but if you are using a staking plan then it may not work in your favour if a market is late to settle.  A gentle staking plan would probably work favourably most of the time.

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Re: previous triggered event status
« Reply #2 on: 16 Nov 2017, 22:37 »
thanks - my staking plans arent gentle and the sums are LARGE, but thanks for the advice as usual...


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