Author Topic: Price at certain time out from start  (Read 3551 times)

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Price at certain time out from start
« on: 20 Apr 2011, 04:52 »
Hello all

How would u set the condition -  price of runner at 5 mins from start

eg if i wanted to compare the % change of price from start +5 mins to the  price at the start ??


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Re: Price at certain time out from start
« Reply #1 on: 20 Apr 2011, 06:55 »
pdif_5  gives the price different over 5 mins
tdif_5   gives the tick difference over 5 mins
maxbp_5  gives the maximum
minbp_5   gives the minimum

to find all the variables, just press the yellow question mark at the top right corner of the bot screen
then select    index
then type     s
then select   selection variables
all the info for the selection variables is here , ie silks,back price, lay amount etc

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Re: Price at certain time out from start
« Reply #2 on: 21 Apr 2011, 01:05 »
Thanks for that McBee


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