Author Topic: Trigger for betting against Two Pairs appering from the flop  (Read 1830 times)

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  • Posts: 1
  • Gender: Male
Hello there, I am quite new in the use of this software and I am interested in a trigger for the strategy that I use; what I do is lay a hand that have been dealt 2 cards but both of these cards also have been dealt to 2 other separate players with higher kickers. Of course this does not happen very often but I am very patient when it comes to this method. I have to tell also that the majority of the time I trade out in the TURN since I do not want to risk too much.

I'll attached a picture of the hand that I normally lay. Of course is there is a similar o better strategy I am open to suggestions.

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  • Posts: 906
I believe this is the trigger file you need:

Please note you have posted in the MFPro section of the forum.   There is a seperate one for x-feeder


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