  • #1 by armarni on 08 Apr 2016
  • Hi everyone

    We all know the importance of keeping records so that we can analyze our betting strategies and improve on them.  I think it would be really useful if we were able to add our own column in the statement that could include any variable of our choosing. 

    Eg I could add market_volume which would allow me to record how much money was matched on that particular market by the time it was settled. 

    Or I could add market_length to allow me to record the market length for each settled bet in horse racing markets (I know that info is in the market name in win markets, but it's not in place market names)

    I could make my own variable which records some info from the time when I placed the bet, and put that into the statement eg match_minute in a football match, so I could check when in a game my loosing bets are firing.

    These examples are just off the top of my head, but I just wanted to illustrate that I think the ability to add info of our own choosing into a custom column of the statement would be a great addition.
  • #2 by liltbrockie on 19 Jul 2016
  • Agreed!