  • #1 by eeldergill on 15 Jul 2013
  • Hi All,
    Many of us will only want to use Excel to bet on a list of horses and ratings that we purchase from third parties. In order to integrate the ratings you need to identify the selections' names in the leftmost column with any ratings to the right and then identify a column for the start of the merged date in each unique market spreadsheet. Unfortunately, unless I am mistaken, there is no option under "Settings" to stop MF Pro loading all - unwanted - market data into each race spreadsheet, such as lay price, back amount etc for each selection. This is incredibly wasteful of CPU resources, especially when (A) the live race data's not needed at all in this situation - we only need the selections' names and our own ratings next to each one and (B) the data is just what the main MF Pro screen displays anyway. There'd be more point to the live data if it was original, but it's just a rehash of the main market screen in MF Pro. So, the suggestion is for there to be an option under "Settings" to display only the names of selections plus all uploaded, merged data from our csv files.
  • #2 by londolozi on 15 Jul 2013
  • Don't agree Ed.

    I use excel to identify selections and as well minimum/maximum price criteria but I still want to see what is happening in the entire race field. What if you use rank, do you want to see your trigger is working correctly. What about rank with minimum tick separation.

    I can see you point about CPU saving but can't support it given the amount of contents you will lose regard the race.
  • #3 by eeldergill on 19 Jul 2013
  • Hi Londolozi
    Thanks for your reply, but don't agree, because if ithere was a simple tick box option in Excel Settings then everyone who just wants to integrate their own betting ratings with that day's race selections wouldn't all that unnecessary data displayed.There seems very little you can do with the existing Excel spreadsheets anyway that you can't do by designing a trigger, since all the data's just a repeat of the data on the main market page for the race. For example, if I enter custom cells in column M of an Excel spreadsheet such as (lay_price*lay_amount)+(lay_price2*lay_amount2)+(lay_price3*lay_amount3) for each selection in a race I haven't achieved any more than I could easily achieve by designing a simple trigger with the same formula for all selections and betting say on the one with maximum value. There really should be a way of disabling all this wasted CPU when it's not required.
  • #4 by londolozi on 19 Jul 2013
  • I trust you have un-ticked "Add layout to spreadsheet"
  • #5 by alfaman on 26 Jul 2013
  • I totally agree with eeldergill.

    A while ago (2011?), Tpanos created a great spreadsheet for V6 which managed to link somehow (I never did fully understand the macros) all markets to one single sheet with two way data exchange, so information could be passed to that sheet from MFpro and conversley data could be referred to in triggers with any market using just that one sheet.

    Does anyone know if this is still possible in V7 or if that sheet was ever updated?  I know Maddox used to use it.
