Hi Tim, Oxa et al,
I joined sometime last year and have since been impressed with this wonderfully flexible product and the enormous help offered by Mark, mcbee Oxa and one or two others including 1oser. I sometimes wonder with my seemingly never ending help requests if some are muttering in the background "Oh not him again". Equally I am amazed at the knowledge displayed by new members with a handful of posts to their name, who trot out long coded formulas and wonder how did they know this stuff. Is there some secret MFP society that I am unaware of?

This brings me to the subject of this post and that is the possibility of having a full manual or book either free or at a price. The current manual as I see it is a list of terms/codes etc and a brief description of their meanings. Unless there is a full manual that I am unaware of. Also I am aware of the sample triggers on the website.
The book I had in mind would ideally include some of the following chapters:
1) An introduction to automated (robot) betting.
2) How to construct triggers (with step by step illustrated examples)
3) Trigger blocks and how they function.
4) How 'conditions' are written and interact with the trigger blocks.
5) 'Close Blocks' When to use and how to design them.
6) A complete list of codes including or excluding those in the manual.
I do realise many of the codes are in the existing manual but the explanations are too brief in my humble opinion and would be better served by showing them in a trigger example.
I do realise what I am asking may involve a book so big that subscribers may have to take on a weight training course to pick it up

In which case a series of booklets may be the answer and I would be happy to pay for them.
I seem to recall there was mention of a training course planned or am I mistaken ?
In any case I feel that life in my case would be a lot better if more meaningful 'How to' reading material with actual trigger examples was available. DVD's may be a bit too much to ask but would be nice

I'd like to give Mark, mcbee and others some respite from my endless questions !
I must be the only 5 star hero still in boot camp

Are there others out there that feel the same or am I the only dummy ?
Best regards