Author Topic: Time Machine - Same trigger but different results  (Read 1778 times)

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I have a trigger that I run it only in 5f horse races (it´s about 29 free races that Time Machine have). It´s strange that every time that I test it, the results are different (in Fast Mode). It´s not only this trigger, but to keep it simple let´s stick with this one for now.

Trigger A (5f)

- Execute no more than 1 sec.
- Refresh Rate (In-Play) 1.0
- Start Market Monitoring 0.5


1-> +38.0£
2-> +19.0£
3-> +38.0£
4-> +66.5£

Why this is happening? Is the Fast Mode reliable? There are any settings to adjust?  I will left in my lunch time in Normal Mode to see what happens......


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Re: Time Machine - Same trigger but different results
« Reply #1 on: 29 Oct 2021, 17:00 »
Hello again.... 

Before I start to continue my "jorney", in the first post I forget to mention that I have install the MF in a VPS. So, mention that, I had more 3 instances open (4 in total). But only 1 instance was running, the other were stopped.

Like I said, I left in my lunch time the trigger running in Normal Mode and when I came back, for my surprise, there was no bet at any race.....

I run again the trigger in Fast Mode (and the others 3 instances open) and the results were:

1-> +47.50£
2-> +66.50£

Strange, no??!! So, I close all the MF intances and open only 1 MF instance. With the same trigger, no modifications, the results:

1-> +9.50£
2-> +47.50£
3-> +28.50£

This is completly incomprehensible to me. Maybe is something that I'm doind that is wrong, i don't know.....

Need some advice/help with this one.....

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Time Machine - Same trigger but different results
« Reply #2 on: 29 Oct 2021, 18:41 »
MarketFeeder tries mimic real market situation. It really "feed" the data from database to "exchange" and then refreshes the market.
So as in the real life it may delay refresh, etc...
Of course it depends on your triggers - some ones may give same results every run, some not.
If you still doubt please send your triggers to support@ - we'll take a look.
Proud to be 🇺🇦
I'm happy to help Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 GMT
Буду рад помочь с понедельника по пятницу, 08:00-18:00 GMT

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Re: Time Machine - Same trigger but different results
« Reply #3 on: 29 Oct 2021, 20:15 »
Thank you Tim... I´ll will send the trigger to you....

Best regards,

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Re: Time Machine - Same trigger but different results
« Reply #4 on: 07 Nov 2021, 15:36 »

Any help on ticket 10476....

Thank you.....


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