Author Topic: [TR] Tennis trigger  (Read 3435 times)

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[TR] Tennis trigger
« on: 25 Mar 2017, 10:16 »

I would like a tennis trigger which has the running average points scored and conceded in a match of the past n completed service games and then back or lay the server based on the expected outcome based on the previous n service games points scored and conceded; after the game is complete green up or spread loss and then back or lay the next server at the start of the game.

So as an example if n = 3 and the game was this one...;1

And Ozaki was P1 you would effectively generate a table that looked like

,Game,Server,P1,P2,Server Score,Server Concede

(deuce games record both scores as 40)

Such at the start of game 7 you would say Ozaki has scored an average of 28.3 points on her serve and conceded 40 so you expect her to be broken.

Trigger at 0-0 in game 7 to lay Ozaki, after the game is complete either green up or spread loss.  (this bet would be a loss as Ozaki held 40-15).

At the start of game 8 you would lay Bertens as you expect her to concede 40 points and score only 23.3

Trigger at 0-0 in game 8 to lay Bertens

Game 9 you expect Ozaki to hold so back and again spread the loss...

Over the course of the match you got it wrong 9 times but right 12 times.

Hopefully you can offer me some insights on how to get this going - I can't see how to do it myself without creating hundreds of variables and storing the score from every game in them and then having a trigger for every game computing the average from (current game - 2) + (cg - 4) + (cg - 6) scored / 3 etc... but then it doesn't have the flexibility to change n should I desire without reprogramming it all.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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  • Posts: 13
Re: [TR] Tennis trigger
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2017, 13:56 »
Ok I've figured this out.  Excel is my friend.

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Re: [TR] Tennis trigger
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2017, 14:53 »
Looks intricate.
If you have the exact number of points scored by each player in each game, you can also import them from a text file (it's faster than using Excel). Put the numbers of points scored in each game next to the player's name and separate them with the tab character, then import the file for auto-trading and check the corresponding trigger variable, e.g.

That would be the average number of points the first player in the list scored in the 7th game.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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