Author Topic: Action --> Email  (Read 3348 times)

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Action --> Email
« on: 22 Oct 2013, 00:01 »
In the action e-mail, how do you get it so that it e-mails the price that the trigger put a bet into the market, what variable is it?

When I use variables like market_score1-market_score2 for example it just brings back the text market_score1-market_score2 instead of what I would like 0-0...

I basically want it to email me saying the score and the price and maybe the amount if possible.

  • Moderator
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Re: Action --> Email
« Reply #1 on: 22 Oct 2013, 02:18 »
In the email trigger enclose the variable or expression in square brackets. For example:
Home Team or any text [market_score1]
Current Score or any text [market_score1]-[market_score2]
Total Goals so far or any text [market_score1+market_score2]
Back matched price or any text [bm_backp]
Back matched amount or any text [bm_backa]
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