Hi mark,
Again, many thanks for your help.
This raises a number of questions, because I am not sure if I have understood the explanation...
1. Having to import the file, means that it is not possible to automate this, unless I can run a scheduler to import the file?
And so, given that Match Odds Market, have 3 indexes, if my match has to bet the draw, then I use index = 3, Home = 1, Away = 2
And say I have 5 selections, 1 = draw, 2 = away, 3 = home, 4 = away, 5 = draw
and so, I do....
And, so, I am not sure how to reference each of the teams in my trigger with their respective index on which to bet?
The most likely thing is that I am missing something plain and simple, but I just cant work it out...
I would like to be able to say,
bet on index 3 where market name contains HOME1 v AWAY1
bet on index 2 where market name contains HOME2 v AWAY2
bet on index 1 where market name contains HOME3 v AWAY3
bet on index 2 where market name contains HOME4 v AWAY4
bet on index 3 where market name contains HOME5 v AWAY5
I need to use multiple matches, and so, referencing each match by betting index does not look possible via that way you suggested?
I want to reference the index = imported_2, rather than stating where imported_2 = 1
So, I want to say bet in this match where its index = imported_2..
I think from the explanation you have given, then each index, referenced by imported_2 above, would mean that I would have to create some macro to say use teams whose imported_2 = 1 for betting the home team, imported_2 = 2 for betting the away team, and imported_3 = 3 for betting the draw.
And probably due to my inexperience, this would require 3 separate triggers, a draw one, a home one and an away one... This seems a long way to go about it, and if I am correct, then, an easier way rather than using an import procedure, I can simply use a 3 trigger approach, such that each trigger will reference a home.txt file, and away.txt file, and a draw.txt file, such that each trigger is set with the market index = 1/2/3 respectively
so, Draw.txt, contains
"Football / Country Identifier / League Identifier / Fixtures Date / HOME1 v AWAY1 / Match Odds"
"Football / Country Identifier / League Identifier / Fixtures Date / HOME5 v AWAY5 / Match Odds"
And the trigger shows the condition as
Market's Name is in file ...d:\mydir\draw.txt
and Selection's Index is equal to 3
and Away.txt contains
"Football / Country Identifier / League Identifier / Fixtures Date / HOME1 v AWAY1 / Match Odds"
"Football / Country Identifier / League Identifier / Fixtures Date / HOME5 v AWAY5 / Match Odds"
And the trigger shows the condition as
Market's Name is in file ...d:\mydir\away.txt
and Selection's Index is equal to 2
and Home.txt contains
"Football / Country Identifier / League Identifier / Fixtures Date / HOME3 v AWAY3 / Match Odds"
And the trigger shows the condition as
Market's Name is in file ...d:\mydir\home.txt
and Selection's Index is equal to 1
Any which way above seems an awfully long way to go in order to get it to do what I need...
Surely I am completely wrong, and it is something I wanted to avoid, its like having a ferrari and pushing it manually, will still get you to your destination, but blooming hard work.
anyway, sorry for wittering on, if you can tell me how stupid I was to miss the simple way of doing this, and reveal the correct way, then please tell me.