Author Topic: [TR] Automating Little Acorns  (Read 8351 times)

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[TR] Automating Little Acorns
« on: 13 Dec 2015, 13:47 »
I have been using Little Acorns for a while and its a pain to do manually so want to automate things and hopefully I can.

The rules are simple.

Lay the favourite if the odds are between 1.5 & 2.00 inclusive
AND if the 2nd Favourite is priced at 6.0 or below
AND if the 3rd Favourite is priced at 10.0 or below

There is another qualification which I know cannot be automated, but I have to exclude beaten favourites. If there is one I am assuming that if I uncheck the "Auto-Trading ON" check box in the "Full View" of the races (see screen shot)  then if this selection qualifies as the 1st Favourite then no bet?

The staking plan I am using is a modified Fibonacci sequence.

The sequence is 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55

And each step of the sequence is a total lay liability instead of straight lay bet.  i.e. if I was betting on the 5 level with a selection at 1.80 it would be a stake of £6.25 and not £5 as £6.25 would result in a total liability of £5

Now on to the modified Fibonacci sequence.  Instead of the standard reset to 1 on a win, I want to go back two steps and reset if there is a losing bet at the 55 level.

i.e. if I have a winning bet at 13, the next bet would be 5, and so on till its back to 1.

I would also want to carry over the staking till the next day if needed, so would need to be able to keep after a restart.

I hope I have explained things thoroughly enough, but if there is anything I have left out don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

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Re: Automating Little Acorns
« Reply #1 on: 14 Dec 2015, 04:58 »
I have just noticed that the Universal Sequence  does everything I ask for in the staking department, I am just unsure how to change the trigger to select the favourite with the conditions.

Don't worry too much if the request has already started, just thought I would save you some work by starting from scratch.

  • Élite
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Re: Automating Little Acorns
« Reply #2 on: 14 Dec 2015, 13:15 »
here is your trigger, in the constants you can set.
Unit size
Number of steps backward if prev. bet won (use negative to go forward)
Number of steps forward if prev. bet lost (use negative to go backward)
The step of the sequence to move to if reached the end of sequence (or went outside it)
Step 1, number of units
through to
Step 10, number of units
Sequence length (max 10)
Minimum lay price for the fav
Maximum lay price for the fav
Maximum lay price for the second fav
Maximum lay price for the third fav
plus 2 remember constants

i have set the constants to your instructions.
please use test mode until you are happy with your settings.


download the trigger below
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Automating Little Acorns
« Reply #3 on: 14 Dec 2015, 16:01 »
Thank you very much mcbee, it is very much appreciated.

I've done a cursory test and everything seems to trigger correctly, but the odds and winners were against me so I couldn't test out the staking plan yet.  If I run into any problems I'll let you know.

Just a quick clarification of a couple of the constants.

The ifwin (number of steps backward) constant, if someone wanted to use it as a regular fibonacci sequence where is resets after a winner, could I just enter 9 here and it would reset to step 1 after a win?  I'm fine with the 2 steps back, just wanted to know for reference.

Also the current_bet and step constants.  If I wanted to restart the sequence early would I just enter 0 & 1 respectively and save the trigger and reload it, and this would start over?

Anyway, thanks once again, and now I know santa is going to get me a yearly subscription as I can finally run this system automatically.

  • Élite
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Re: Automating Little Acorns
« Reply #4 on: 14 Dec 2015, 19:51 »
The ifwin (number of steps backward) constant, if someone wanted to use it as a regular fibonacci sequence where is resets after a winner, could I just enter 9 here and it would reset to step 1 after a win?  I'm fine with the 2 steps back, just wanted to know for reference.
set to 10
Also the current_bet and step constants.  If I wanted to restart the sequence early would I just enter 0 & 1 respectively and save the trigger and reload it, and this would start over?

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Automating Little Acorns
« Reply #5 on: 14 Dec 2015, 20:24 »
Thanks, much appreciated.


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