Author Topic: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests  (Read 16243 times)

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I think I want to modify one of these triggers a bit:

Lets say that rank (according to odds) goes like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6
But the rank according to volume % is like: 2-1-3-5-6-4

Could you help with the trigger? So it backs selections if volume% with the selections is higher than odds rank.


  • Élite
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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #1 on: 17 Nov 2013, 16:56 »
do you want to only back the rank fav if it is second or third volume rank and do you only want to back if all 3 selections conditions are met or any from 1 to 3 selections(place the bet on any qualifing selection).

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #2 on: 17 Nov 2013, 17:01 »
If the odds and volumes are:

2.00 - 25 %
3.00 - 35 %
5.00 - 30 %

I want to back 3.00 and 5.00 as their volume suggests higher rank.  ;)

And if possible, it includes every selection with volume % higher than desired amount. For example every selection which volume% is higher than 5.

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #3 on: 17 Nov 2013, 20:52 »
do you want to only back the rank fav if it is second or third volume rank and do you only want to back if all 3 selections conditions are met or any from 1 to 3 selections(place the bet on any qualifing selection).


Did I understand correctly your question? Is this feasible?

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #4 on: 17 Nov 2013, 22:36 »
You need this:

All matching selections:

Selections Back Price is greater than 100/volume

100/volume gives the selections odds based on volume, so if the back price is higher then you will be backing good value selections.   

  • Élite
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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #5 on: 19 Nov 2013, 16:46 »
here is the trigger .
in the constants you can set
bet amount
minimum volume percent
minutes before the start time to start comparing the values

the trigger is simple, it will place a bet on ANY selection when the volume percent is greater than the back price (win percent calculation), if the volume percent is equal or greater than your set value.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #6 on: 19 Nov 2013, 22:28 »
here is the trigger .
in the constants you can set
bet amount
minimum volume percent
minutes before the start time to start comparing the values

the trigger is simple, it will place a bet on ANY selection when the volume percent is greater than the back price (win percent calculation), if the volume percent is equal or greater than your set value.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below

Thanks so much!  ;D

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #7 on: 20 Nov 2013, 09:18 »

How is it working -  could risk (liability) working better?

risk=(odds-1)*volume ?

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #8 on: 20 Nov 2013, 22:11 »

How is it working -  could risk (liability) working better?

risk=(odds-1)*volume ?

Haven't tested it yet so much that I can tell, as I have a few other things to test (ideas which I got between my first question and the answer) in same markets and I don't want to put too much triggers at the same time. Will test it a bit later.

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #9 on: 29 Nov 2013, 22:26 »
here is the trigger .
in the constants you can set
bet amount
minimum volume percent
minutes before the start time to start comparing the values

the trigger is simple, it will place a bet on ANY selection when the volume percent is greater than the back price (win percent calculation), if the volume percent is equal or greater than your set value.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below

Rubold wrote earlier: "100/volume gives the selections odds based on volume, so if the back price is higher then you will be backing good value selections." I tried this but the results varied very much. Thanks for suggestion.

But, mcbee, I have tested your trigger and it's ok but after some thinking, it's not what I wanted. And maybe I asked it bit too soon.

I want that the trigger compares both odds ranking and volume% ranking. This is real example.

1     19.0     3.80 %                  6                    6
2     2.58     50.21 %                1                    1
3     11.0     8.52 %                  3                    3
4     3.10     25.28 %                2                    2
5    13.20    6.29 %                  5                    4
6    11.50    5.91 %                  4                    5

In this race I'd like to bet nr 6 with odds rank 4 and volume% rank of 5.

I'd like also if the trigger is adjustable. For example you could bet odds/volume % -> 5/5 or 4/4 or 3/4 or 4/3 and so on.

With the rank-condition it's easy to find greyhounds with selected odds ranking but how can I have volume% ranking?

Do you think this is possible?

  • Élite
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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #10 on: 30 Nov 2013, 09:21 »
yes it is possible,but how have you chosen the number 6.
i need to know exactly how you choose your selection from the information/records.
the odds rank is not the lowest or highest and the volume rank is not the lowest or highest.

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #11 on: 30 Nov 2013, 13:19 »
yes it is possible,but how have you chosen the number 6.
i need to know exactly how you choose your selection from the information/records.
the odds rank is not the lowest or highest and the volume rank is not the lowest or highest.


I chose it cause odds rank is 4 and volume rank is 5. Simple as that. Also I'll copy the trigger to choose different combinations. If only couple of % of punters make profit, surely they won't always choose dogs with highest percentage or lowest odds. I read somewhere that you have to think outside the box. And this will make me profit according to my records.

I just want a trigger where two ranks are monitored with constants which I choose. I already found a trigger which chooses three highest volumes. I may try to modify it...

  • Élite
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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #12 on: 30 Nov 2013, 13:37 »
i have already done a trigger to rank the volume.
so you can play around with it and add your own conditions.
use fv1 to fv6 for the volume ranks


download the trigger below
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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #13 on: 30 Nov 2013, 20:46 »
i have already done a trigger to rank the volume.
so you can play around with it and add your own conditions.
use fv1 to fv6 for the volume ranks


download the trigger below

Thanks! This is perfect with some tweaks!

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Re: Back selections with higher volume% than odds suggests
« Reply #14 on: 30 Nov 2013, 21:22 »
Should I use

far_sp, or

as an SP price (to check it) for greyhounds (near 0 minutes or in minus minutes)?

Edit. If I want to bet for example 2nd highest volume, should I use Selection's Index is equal to fv2 or something else? Checking if I'm doing it wrong..  ;D

And one more thing... Is it possible to compile the rank according to near_sp (which is closest to sp?)..? Sometimes back_price is way different than near_sp and the odds rank should be as close to actual_sp as possible.


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