Author Topic: Back the horse with the biggest price drop  (Read 5568 times)

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Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« on: 23 Sep 2018, 19:34 »
I'd like to back the horse with the biggest price drop (in ticks). I have a trigger but it always backs the favourite. Please help!

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2018, 11:31 »
tdif_{minutes} is at zero until {minutes} has elapsed
you have tdif_300, so you will need to be monitoring the markets for at least 5 hours

let's say you start monitoring 15 minutes before the off, then you could use something like this:
markets minutes before the off is less than pbt
and selections back price is less than max_price
and selections trigger expression tdif_10 is less than 0
and selections trigger expression tdif_10 is the minimum
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #2 on: 24 Sep 2018, 11:47 »
I am monitoring the markets for 5 hours.
My trigger has all your lines and it doesnt work. 

I think the problem is "Selections: First matching selection". But I have also tried the other options..and it always backs the favourite or backs everyone :D

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #3 on: 24 Sep 2018, 12:07 »
tdif variable is dependent on the setting for the default market history depth. settings > monitoring options> default markets history depth. but I think if you set this to cover your timeframe you may have memory resource problems.

it may be better for your purpose to record selection prices in one trigger at a certain time, and then compare the prices later. (remember action)   
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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2018, 12:15 »
Thank you for your answer. I have set the market depth to 300 min. By "memory" do you mean RAM or Hard Drive space? I think I have enough of both of them.

If this doesnt work I will ask someone here to create a trigger with "remember" function for me because I am not sure how to compare the price drop of one horse to the price drops of all other horses (in ticks ofc).

Thanks a lot once again!

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #5 on: 24 Sep 2018, 15:34 »
One last favour, please. Would you check my trigger and tell me if it's going to work fine? I am worried about the second block.

Thank you!

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #6 on: 24 Sep 2018, 17:49 »
yes could be RAM issues. the manual cautions about setting a large market history depth.

is the minimum of all disregards any other conditions, so it should be
is the minimum

after making that change I tested your trigger on six markets in time machine, with a much smaller timeframe for testing. Each time it picked the selection with the biggest price drop in that timeframe, so it looks to be working ok. Please do your testing in test mode, time machine, or small stakes.

I would suggest you put in some conditions to make sure there is a small spread between back and lay prices just to be safe, otherwise sometimes where there is a big gap your tick difference measurements could be inaccurate.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #7 on: 24 Sep 2018, 19:40 »
Thank you!

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Re: Back the horse with the biggest price drop
« Reply #8 on: 26 Sep 2018, 11:14 »
Just an idea but why don’t you change it to % instead of ticks , back the three horses that have dropped the most in price by % in a race:) 

Only back in min 8 runners and if one dropped by more than say 40% just back that one. Put a min odds range in maybe say no bet in a race if any selections are equal or less then 2.20. You might find you get a a lot of winners and profit with a few tweaks ;).

Theory is that Betfair pro’s know more than most and bet 1 min before the off  so if you can find the biggest movers with value you will make money placing the bets one min from off. This is just an idea and who knows if it would work or not unless tested.


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