Author Topic: [TR] BACK UNDER LIMITE 2  (Read 5593 times)

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« on: 15 Feb 2017, 19:02 »
As requested by Mr. Mcbee in response to my previous post ( I request here a change to the original trigger.
Hello Mcbee, grateful for the trigger, I'm already testing and it looks like everything is fine, but the tests will continue.
I forgot to talk about a constant and would like to know if you could add it? It would work as follows.
Let's call this constant TIME = 1 minute.
In our example, at 30 minutes of the second time we put the BACK UNDER LIMIT and the LAY UNDER LIMIT to get x ticks (constant).
What I want is this. If you have spent x minutes (constant TIME) after placing the BACK UNDER LIMIT and have not picked up the x ticks (constant), the LAY UNDER LIMIT previously placed and unmatched should be canceled, and we should put the LAY UNDER LIMIT with the odd Who is in the moment to leave immediately.
That is, my exit (LAY UNDER LIMIT) will be for x ticks or for x time, whichever comes first.
Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Élite
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« Reply #1 on: 16 Feb 2017, 08:17 »
here is your trigger,there is one new constant to set.
Waiting time in minutes after the lay bet has been placed

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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« Reply #2 on: 18 Feb 2017, 00:48 »
Hello Mcbee, I have some doubts:
1. I have noticed that the bet is not being placed exactly in the minute we want, for example, if we set the time constant for the bet to be placed at 30 minutes of the 1st time, the bet is actually placed at 32 minutes. Why does this happen?
2. To define the time, should we take into account the 15 minute interval? For example, if I want the bet to be placed at 30 minutes of the 2nd time, should we set the time constant equal to 90 (45 + 15 + 30) or should we set 75 (45 + 30)?
3. I get the impression that greenup is not running correctly. Example: If I enter the bet at 80 min and get my x ticks, this gain must be distributed in both the UNDER and OVER, and it is not what is happening, the profit is only being in the UNDER, and in case there is a Goal, we will lose the bet.

  • Élite
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« Reply #3 on: 18 Feb 2017, 05:35 »

1. I have noticed that the bet is not being placed exactly in the minute we want, for example, if we set the time constant for the bet to be placed at 30 minutes of the 1st time, the bet is actually placed at 32 minutes. Why does this happen?
this could be due to your refresh rate or the trigger waiting for the amount of money available to be more than your set amount.

2. To define the time, should we take into account the 15 minute interval? For example, if I want the bet to be placed at 30 minutes of the 2nd time, should we set the time constant equal to 90 (45 + 15 + 30) or should we set 75 (45 + 30)?
the trigger works on Match Minutes , so 45 match minutes is half time plus the 30 minutes of second half = 75 match minutes.

3. I get the impression that greenup is not running correctly. Example: If I enter the bet at 80 min and get my x ticks, this gain must be distributed in both the UNDER and OVER, and it is not what is happening, the profit is only being in the UNDER, and in case there is a Goal, we will lose the bet.
please check your first request and this request , you asked for a lay bet to be placed at x ticks less than the back bet , you did not ask for green up.

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« Reply #4 on: 18 Feb 2017, 11:08 »
Hello Mcbee, thank you for the answers.
Sorry if I did not know how to express myself well on the first request, I do not have good English. But what I really need is a greenup, that is, after taking the profit due to the x ticks or the defined time of exposure, that this profit is distributed to both under and over, so that I have gain independent of the result end of the game. Can you do this, please?

  • Élite
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« Reply #5 on: 18 Feb 2017, 14:53 »
here is your trigger with green up and distribute loss.


download the trigger below
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« Reply #6 on: 18 Feb 2017, 16:54 »
First of all, very grateful for your return.
I tested this latest version and the following is happening. At 80 minutes, the BACK UNDER LIMIT is being placed, in the same second, LAY UNDER is also being placed (unmatched). After a few minutes, the unrequited LAY UNDER is canceled, so far so good, the problem is that a LAY UNDER is not being placed with the odd of the moment and the BACK UNDER bet is staying until the end of the game. Can you correct this, please?

  • Élite
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« Reply #7 on: 18 Feb 2017, 17:46 »
i have used the distribute loss condition so it will wait until 1 tick difference.
please explain exactly what you want to do after x minutes.
place a lay bet at the current lay price with the same amount as the back amount
or place a lay bet at the current lay price with x amount.
or another way.

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« Reply #8 on: 18 Feb 2017, 18:25 »
I'll try to explain it better. Imagine that at 80 min we put BACK UNDER LIMIT at odd 1.20. At the same time we put the LAY UNDER LIMIT odd 1.10 (constant = 10 ticks). And my TIME CONSTANT = 1 minute.
After this 1 minute, LAY UNDER dropped from 1.23 to 1.18 ie we could not get the 10 ticks, so that LAY UNDER LIMIT odd 1.10 (initial and unmatched) should be canceled and we should put LAY UNDER LIMIT with the odd that is now, in the case, 1.18 and we distributed this profit of 2 ticks (1.20 => 1.18) between the under / over.
I hope I have been clear.

  • Élite
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« Reply #9 on: 18 Feb 2017, 18:44 »
sorry, i have done many tests and the distribute loss trigger worked some times and not others , why i do not know.
i have added more conditions and also to green up again at x minutes so there should be no error.

please try this trigger and thank you been understanding .

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