Author Topic: back_price2 condition  (Read 2999 times)

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back_price2 condition
« on: 24 Mar 2021, 18:21 »
Hi all,

My name is Jone. New to MF Pro, even newer to the forum!

I'm wishing to set a condition on my trigger where say for example, back_price2 < 5; however I'm not having any luck as of yet working out how to do this.

Would anyone be able to assist?

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Re: back_price2 condition
« Reply #1 on: 24 Mar 2021, 19:24 »
Hi and welcome
The condition is:
selections trigger expression back_price2 is less than 5

if you search the helpfile/manual for "selection parameters" and then look at Point 5  it explains what a trigger expression is.   
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Re: back_price2 condition
« Reply #2 on: 24 Mar 2021, 19:27 »
Hi Jone

Welcome to the forum.

I would write what I've put in the screen grab, that should do it.

Have fun with MF Pro!

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Re: back_price2 condition
« Reply #3 on: 25 Mar 2021, 06:29 »
You guys are amazing, exactly what I was after. Thanks for the help and the warm welcome!

The manual is great - I'm reading through the whole thing now as we speak :) 

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Re: back_price2 condition
« Reply #4 on: 10 Apr 2021, 10:52 »
Hi everyone!

I've come a long way in the past 2 weeks of experimenting/lurking forums/back testing new triggers. Didn't wish to create a whole other thread just for a simple question so here goes.

Something I'm wishing to test is the condition: back price > x for y seconds, eg. back price greater than 10 for at least 1 second.

Could I get some input on how this could be achieved, if at all?


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Re: back_price2 condition
« Reply #5 on: 10 Apr 2021, 13:08 »
This example trigger shows how to wait for a set amount of time. You can use it to have a second trigger to check the back price again after the set amount of time:

OR try using

pdif_{minutes}The absolute back price difference over the time specified by {minutes}. For example, pdif_5 will return the value that back price changed by within the last 5 minutes. This number can be negative or positive, depending on the direction the price changed in. For example, if the price changed from 4.0 to 3.8, the difference will be -0.2.

for example, to check back price is greater than 10 and there has been no downward movement of back price for 1 second:
selections back price is greater than 10
and selections trigger expression pdif_0.017 is equal or greater than 0
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: back_price2 condition
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2021, 15:02 »
Honestly loving the support that comes with MF Pro. Would recommend this to anyone I meet looking to get into BetFair automation.

Thank you Mark!


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