Author Topic: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]  (Read 6828 times)

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IP betting, how can I bet within a certain ' price window', let's say odds
between 100 and 150. The exact price is not important, being in front of a
bigger volume is very important.

And be sure my bet always is in front of a big volume(let's say EURO 1000,-)
within that pricerange (100 to 150), the smaller volumes can be discarded,
but the bigger one could stall a fast pricejump so my smaller bet won't be
matched when the direction reverts, if it is behind that big one .

If the bigger volume(let's say everything over EURO 1000,- moves price, I want
to move my bet too, so I am always in front of the big volume.

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  • Élite
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Re: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]
« Reply #1 on: 28 Feb 2014, 22:29 »
you have not said what type of bet you want to do, back or lay.
when you referr to the volume are you talking about if price2 is x euro waiting to be matched then you want to place your bet in price available.

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Re: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]
« Reply #2 on: 01 Mar 2014, 03:51 »
you have not said what type of bet you want to do, back or lay.
when you referr to the volume are you talking about if price2 is x euro waiting to be matched then you want to place your bet in price available.


The initial bet would be a back bet.

Let's say there is a €1000 back bet @ 130 waiting, surrounded by a few smaller bets higher and lower within the  odds range of 100-150.

I am not interested in the smaller bets, I want my bet to be in front of the 'bigger lump', even if the big bugger  queuehops me, I want to queuehop him again.

When the big bet should persist and be at the lower end of the range, in this case @100, I want my bet to go to the other extreme of the range, in this case @150.

Of course, the numbers are just examples, I want to determine the range and the amount which would be a 'big lump bet' ( thus annoying me :) ), later afer testing some ideas.

An example to implement in my set of triggers would be fantastico,

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Re: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]
« Reply #3 on: 04 Mar 2014, 16:10 »
 ??? anybody, please?

  • Nerd
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Re: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]
« Reply #4 on: 04 Mar 2014, 17:18 »
Firstly the amounts you can access currently are the ones on the screen ... back_amount, back_amount2 & back_amount3.

I would have a back trigger and a cancel trigger. Below is typed and not validated, but should give you an idea to work on.

All matching selections

IF(back_amount > 1000, r_ticks(back_price, 1),IF(back_amount2 > 1000, r_ticks(back_price2, 1),IF(back_amount3 > 1000, r_ticks(back_price3, 1), 0) ) )

IF(back_amount > 1000, r_ticks(back_price, 1),IF(back_amount2 > 1000, r_ticks(back_price2, 1),IF(back_amount3 > 1000, r_ticks(back_price3, 1), 0) ) ) is greater than 0
selections number of unmatched lay_bets is equal to zero

Cancel anything not matched after 5 seconds.
Cancel Trigger.
bu_backtime is less than  nowtime - (mf_second * 5)
Fortune favors the brave!

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Re: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]
« Reply #5 on: 05 Mar 2014, 17:09 »
Above example is not really what I was looking for in my initial post,( this places bets @random prices, I want only within my predetermined window odds of 100-150)

Anybody understands what I am trying to do, please?

  • Élite
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Re: Betting with a certain price window [TCKTFNY-755603]
« Reply #6 on: 07 Mar 2014, 01:19 »
hi Botfair
it is no problem IF you are on about the prices that is visable on screen, a trigger can be made.
but if you want the price from the price ladder, then this is not posible.
you have 3 price scales
back price = 3.30
back price2 = 3.25
back price 3 = 3.20
and 3 amount scales
back amount = 569
back amount2 = 1500
back amount3 = 450
if you want a bet placed at the back amount, that is ok
or if the 1500 is in the back amount3 and you want the bet placed in the back price2, that is ok,BUT the bet will be matched by betfair at the best price been 3.30.
if the 1500 is in the back amount and you want a bet placed in the back price+1 tick, that would be ok , then if the price increases your bet would get matched.
but the triggers cannot see past back price3 and back amount3 , unless you have the price ladder open on the selection.
the problem is what you see on the back side of a selection is the lay bets waiting to be matched and what you see on the lay side is the back bets waiting to be matched.
if you want to monitor the lay side then that would be ok


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