Author Topic: Clarification about triggers  (Read 2518 times)

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Clarification about triggers
« on: 13 Dec 2015, 11:26 »
After messing around with all sorts of other bots, I thought I would give MarketFeeder Pro another look and I spotted something that I just want to make sure of before I get a yearly subscription.

My question is this.  When I load my markets and click on a race in full view and I untick the Auto-Trading ON box, this as far as I can tell this stops the selection being used by triggered betting, am I right? If I am correct, what I need to know is whether this selection will still be used in the calculation for favourite.  The system I am trying to automate bets on the 1st Favourite as long as other prices are within certain limits.  But there are certain runners that I want excluded, due to form, and if these happen to become the 1st Favourite just before the off I don't want the software to bet on them.

My concern is turning Auto-Trading off on a selection, does this totally hide the selection from the triggers and the triggers calculate the favourites differently or does the software work out the favourites from the full market and skips the unchecked selections if it happens to qualify as a bet? (Which I want)

I hope I have explained myself well enough, but if you need clarification then give me a shout.

ps. in the screen shot of the full view, If the triggers were set up for the first favourite and I have unchecked Mango Cup, if this was still the order at bet time would the software still see Mango Cup as the 1st favourite and skip it or would it treat Tara the Tiger as the new 1st favourite because it is ignoring Mango cup?

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Re: Clarification about triggers
« Reply #1 on: 13 Dec 2015, 18:09 »
In Full Mode if you untick auto-trading on, the selection becomes greyed out and inactive for triggers and auto-greenup etc. The market rank and prices etc. will still operate as normal. Just the selection will be skipped as you say for triggers. In your screenshot I have highlighted the selections rank. This continues to update as normal, whether ticked or unticked.

I'm sure you have your own method, but I would just add there is probably a more elegant way of doing what you describe:

keep a text file of runner names you wish to be excluded
make a trigger to bet on the favourite as usual with your price conditions
add this trigger condition: selections name is not in file

so that trigger will keep betting the favourite (rank 1) as long as your price conditions are met, and the favourite's name is not in the text file.

There are also other ways like importing selections etc. Hope this helps some.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Clarification about triggers
« Reply #2 on: 14 Dec 2015, 02:09 »
Thank you very much MarkV, the reply is appreciated and useful.

I had pretty much realised it was the case, but I wanted to clarify.  I was using another, less professional, bot and for some reason when I excluded a runner it was totally isolated from further calculation.  Needless to say I am using MarketFeeder from now on.

Thank you once again, and thank you for the tip on selection list use, there is always something about MarketFeeder that make me grin and say "Neat!".


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