Author Topic: Conditioned bet  (Read 4280 times)

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Conditioned bet
« on: 15 Oct 2014, 13:20 »
I nedd a trigger on match odds (football matches) that contains:

1.-The favourite back price  before starting is 2 or less (2=<)
2.-If that favourite scores first:  In then 80 minutes after the off bet the draw is it is between 2.10 and 1.10  OR  lay that favourite if lay price is between 3 an 15

3.- If the underdog (no favourite) scores first: in minute 80 lay to the draw if it is between 3 and 15 OR  back thos underdog if back price is between 1.10 and 2.10

Thank you

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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Re: Conditioned bet
« Reply #1 on: 25 Oct 2014, 14:29 »
here is your trigger
in the constants you can set
Bet amount for the lay bet
Bet amount for the back bet
Minimum matched market volume
Minutes before the start time to record the favourites back price
Maximum back price for the favourite before the start time
Maximum minutes since the off to place the bets if a goal is scored
Minimum lay price for the draw after a favourite goal
Maximum lay price for the draw after a favourite goal
Minimum lay price of the recorded favourite after a goal
Maximum lay price of the recorded favourite after a goal
Minimum back price for the not recorded favourite if they score first
Maximum back price for the not recorded favourite if they score first
Minimum lay price for the draw after a not recoreded favourite goal
Maximum lay price for the draw after a not recoreded favourite goal
Maximum minutes to wait after a goal is scored then no bet placed

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Conditioned bet
« Reply #2 on: 28 Oct 2014, 23:52 »
Thank you, great and long trigger.
I tested it and found that it only acts in that condition:

 If the underdog (no favourite) scores first: in minute 80 lay to the draw if it is between 3 and 15

And it bet at any moment and we put that condition: in minute 80 lay to the draw (no before minute 80). I saw one bet in minute 16

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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Re: Conditioned bet
« Reply #3 on: 29 Oct 2014, 13:00 »
i read it as in the first 80 minutes.
do you want to bet if a goal is scored after 80 minutes.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Conditioned bet
« Reply #4 on: 29 Oct 2014, 13:17 »
No, the goal is scored at any moment in the two cases
But the bet is only placed if we are after 80 minutes from the begining of the match.

I add: By this moment I only see some bets in one of the four cases
 If the underdog (no favourite) scores first: in minute 80 lay to the draw if it is between 3 and 15
Perhaps it happens because we put the bet at any moment and won´t be so if we put the bet only after 80 minutes passed.

Thank you for your unvaluable help.
Gonzalo, garpel

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
Re: Conditioned bet
« Reply #5 on: 29 Oct 2014, 17:47 »
so if the conditions are correct, place the bet only at 80 minutes in-play.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Conditioned bet
« Reply #6 on: 29 Oct 2014, 17:55 »
What line or trigger must I change?


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