  • #1 by Mucking About on 10 Jun 2014
  • I'm trying to make a trigger that counts how many times the market has been suspended and if the number reaches a certain amount, to activate another set of triggers. However, I am having problems creating the trigger and making it so it constantly keeps checking/counting instead of just once.

    Anyone willing to lend a helping hand?
  • #2 by mcbee on 10 Jun 2014
  • hi
    you need to use 2 variables to do this.
    1 trigger to set the 2 variables to 0
    no conditions
    set to once per market
    another trigger to count the suspends (1 variable) and check the market ID (1 variable)
    conditions to check the market is suspened and check the market ID is the same as the counter and check the time of the suspend.

  • #3 by Mucking About on 10 Jun 2014
  • Thanks for the reply.

    I'm still quite new with making triggers, so this not going very smoothly.

    With your suggestion i made attached trigger, and I got it to count the suspensions (or merely place the number 1, I'm not sure) and market_id.

    However, I can't  seem to add a conditions that checks the value of a variable. For example, I want to place a simple back bet after the market is unsuspended, but i can't see an option to check if suspend = 1 and the market_id is equal to the marketid variable.

    Any ideas?
  • #4 by mcbee on 10 Jun 2014
  • hi
    you would use the condition
    and trigger expression suspend is equal to 1
    and trigger expression marketid is equal to market_id
    you also need to set all the variables to individually for each market.

    but many markets suspend as the go in-play, so you would have a false suspend
