  • #1 by misticmerlin on 15 Mar 2017
  • Dear Team,
    I was hoping you can assist me on a hopefully not too difficult trigger I am looking.
    In the football market,  I have a selection of matches based on match odd and over 1.5 Goals.
    I need the home team back price in match odds to be less than Y AND back price in over 1.5 to be less than Y.
    I need both markets to meet the criteria otherwise delete both sets of markets.
    I am having trouble on this (beginning) part of the trigger as only one market is being deleted and not the other, any ideas would be much appreciated so I can continue with the rest of the trigger.
    Thanks a million,
  • #2 by mcbee on 15 Mar 2017
  • hi
    you would use the market prefixes to delete the second market.
    so if you delete the match odds first you would use the football1_market_parent_id is not greater than 0
    because if the match odds has been deleted there will be no market_parent_id

  • #3 by misticmerlin on 15 Mar 2017
  • Hi mcbee,

    Thank you so much, it worked exactly as I wanted.
    Fantastic support in this forum as always, much appreciated.
