Author Topic: determine change in price  (Read 2517 times)

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determine change in price
« on: 30 Apr 2015, 19:58 »
HI there!

How would one go about determining the horse whos back price has decreased the most in the first 30 seconds of a race?

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Re: determine change in price
« Reply #1 on: 01 May 2015, 00:35 »
This has been asked before and remmber if you have a theory chances are someone has already thought of it and tested it.

In play or for that any rank testing will usually need the use of Excel.
You need to calculate a metric for want you want to test.

You have said broadly "back price decreased the most"
So if a $200 chance decreases to $150 is that what you want or a $3 chance to $2.
What metric % chance or $ value.

Read the manual.
Search the forum.
Formulas like  MAX and RANK will be handy (in Excel) as will last_last_traded and remember triggers (in MFP)
Test and fine tune using TM.

You may want to search 'distance' in the forum as well.

Good luck.
Improvise Adapt Overcome


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