Author Topic: Differing Stakes per selection in trigger  (Read 2563 times)

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Differing Stakes per selection in trigger
« on: 02 Jun 2019, 10:30 »

I have seen and used the trigger for learning that use a list from an Excel file to determine what selections to back.

My challenge is that I want to vary my stake by selection.

See example below:

Horse Name   Stake
Horse 1          20
Horse 2          10
Horse 3          50

So in the example above I would want it to back horse 1 for 20 times my default stake, horse 2 by 10 times by default stake and horse 3 by 50 times my default stake.

Is there a trigger or easy way to do this?

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Re: Differing Stakes per selection in trigger
« Reply #1 on: 02 Jun 2019, 10:39 »
I'd like to know how to do it too!

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Re: Differing Stakes per selection in trigger
« Reply #2 on: 02 Jun 2019, 13:30 »
there's an easier way by using a text file with the selection names and your multiplier
please see the help file section importing selections for auto trading and this article

so your text file looks like this with a tab between the selection name and multiplier:
"Horse 1"          20
"Horse 2"          10
"Horse 3"          50

the multiplier variable will be imported_1

in your trigger in the amount field use: stake*imported_1
where stake is your default stake amount

if your text file is updated frequently it can also be automatically re-imported
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