Author Topic: Football Cash generator trigger modification help needed  (Read 4028 times)

  • All members
  • Posts: 32
Hi all!
I've done some modification to football cash generator trigger that I attach to this post.
Post 95 mins I try to distribute eventual profit for the 0-0 and spread loss for the draw. I'm testing it.
What I'd like to do, but I'm not able, is to add to this trigger the functionality to back also on 1-1.
So back on 0-0
back on 1-1
lay the draw
and then always attempting to green up and so on.
Could someone please help me ?
Thank you very much in advance and regards.

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  • Posts: 3649
Re: Football Cash generator trigger modification help needed
« Reply #1 on: 13 Feb 2014, 12:35 »
Please can you describe in more detail how you want the trigger to work.
So far I understand the opening of positions:
back 0-0
back 1-1
lay The Draw

Now at 95 mins:
Please can give some examples of what should happen to the above 3 bets if:
score is 0-0 I understand green-up 0-0 and distribute loss for draw, what happens to back 1-1?
score is 1-0?
score is 0-1?

For information the condition: market's score has not changed has a fault and does not work. We can do a workaround using market_score and market_pscore variables.
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