Author Topic: Fuzzy Search (2)  (Read 1551 times)

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Fuzzy Search (2)
« on: 16 Aug 2020, 17:09 »
Having problems getting trigger to recognise a name in a list.

Trigger Log Extract

Checking market "Horse Racing / GB / Ripon 16th Aug / 15:50 Ripon 16th Aug - 1m6f Hcap".
15:50:05               Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression "sel_name" is in file C:\Program Files (x86)\MarketFeeder Pro 8\race.txt.
15:50:05               Selection: Zeeband, initial expr.: "sel_name", intermediate: "Zeeband", final: "Zeeband".
15:50:05               Selection: Zeeband, initial expr.: *"zeeband", intermediate: , final: *"zeeband".
15:50:05               Condition is: FALSE.
15:50:05               Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.
Contents of txt file
Selection's   Trigger Expression  "sel_name"   is in file    C:\Program Files (x86)\MarketFeeder Pro 8\race.txt   ✔ ReRead File
Just cannot understand why it is saying the condition is false. Help would be appreciated.

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Re: Fuzzy Search (2)
« Reply #1 on: 19 Aug 2020, 17:19 »
You cannot use fuzzy search in conditions, I have removed the *s and all works fine though of course now you have to double check spelling.
Now just to get rid of those six decimal 0s

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Re: Fuzzy Search (2)
« Reply #2 on: 25 Aug 2020, 22:31 »
Hi Mike

Like you, I've also noticed that the new fuzzy logic appears to not work with the trigger expression 'is in list'.

It's a shame that the implementation of the fuzzy logic has gone wrong with this, as the only use I can see for it now is when you import a list of selections for auto trading.  It would be so useful for it to work with trigger expressions as well.  It's such a great addition to the software being able not worry about Betfair spelling being different to other source spellings of horse names, which is a problem that occurs surprisingly regularly.

Hopefully Oxa will spot this thread and hopefully come up with a fix for us.

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Re: Fuzzy Search (2)
« Reply #3 on: 25 Aug 2020, 23:01 »
Yeah I used fuzzy search to import selections and assumed it would work with conditions but as you say it doesn't, so after missing some bets, its back to importing for auto trading, then checking each spelling against the spelling Betfair has. I agree it would be really useful if it applied to conditions as well, fingers crossed one day it will.

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Re: Fuzzy Search (2)
« Reply #4 on: 16 Oct 2020, 22:28 »

Just to let you know, I've noted this down for future updates.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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