Author Topic: Help with a trigger please  (Read 3038 times)

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Help with a trigger please
« on: 12 Apr 2023, 07:45 »
Hi, I have a question and a request please as I am trying to teach myself to make triggers but can't even get past the first part!
Is it possible to manually enter a dutch bet into Market Feeder?  I mean to select 3,4,5 of my own selections.
If so I would like to make a trigger where:
I can enter my selections manually at x (variable) minutes before start. (Horses).
I can change total liability and time to place bets.
The trigger places the back bet and calculates the total profit from the selections dutched.  I would generally be backing selections at say £100 for 100% return over all dutched but greening up inplay for 20% profit or taking full loss.
Pre race to green up at a percentage ie. 5% or value £5 if it hits that value. Or go
Inplay, green up at x value, again either % or £ of total available profit. So if the highest profit available was £100
I could change the percentage to win to £20 inplay.
I do use this strategy with some success both backing and laying but what I want to do is make it more automated and to be able to test back dutch against lay dutch in Time machine using different start times and percentage to win.
I'm sure this looks a bit scrambled but it comes from my scrambled head!  Anything you can do to get me started to work on will be appreciated.

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Re: Help with a trigger please
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2023, 14:02 »

For placing manual Dutching bets, use the Auto-Dutching feature, which is available in each market. Watch this video to understand how it works (but ignore the part about Auto-Greenup):

It is very flexible: you can choose the type of bets, which favourites or indexes to bet on, either profit or liability, whether to add offset to the betting price, etc.

You can configure the default settings for liability, minimum profit, range of selections in the program Settings -> Betting Options -> Auto-Dutching, so that you won't have to enter the same values in each market where you intend to bet.

So before each race, open the Auto-Dutching panel and place your bets.

Then use the triggers attached to green up the bets before or after the market turns In-Play. Use the trigger constants inside the file to adjust the desired profit percentage.

The green-up trigger will place the green-up bets as soon as the overall market profit exceeds the desired profit percentage.

Make sure you've tested the triggers in Test Mode before you switch to real money. I recommend testing triggers in Time Machine, as you can run your strategy by multiple markets in minutes, and the data is very cheap. 

If you'd like to make any changes to the original trigger description, please make a new trigger request.

Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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