Author Topic: Horses by name please  (Read 21192 times)

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #15 on: 30 May 2014, 00:10 »
Ok but this its not the important thing. The trigger doesnt work. I think there is a problem with the markets , the time, and mybe the file
I was in test mode 6 hours doing probes but not work the trigger. I thought this was a easy trigger. Please help me because i want buy the markeetfeeder pro  better than betsender, but betsender do that without a y problem

Thanks mcbee and goodnight

  • Élite
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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #16 on: 30 May 2014, 00:14 »
did you change the location of the file to the location in your computer.

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #17 on: 30 May 2014, 00:20 »
Yes i did that and i think everything its correct, but when the trigger has to do the lay bet because the odds are less than 11 and the name of the horse its in the file doesnt do the lay. Other times do the lays in plY, other doesnt do nothing because said inapropieta state of market
I have any idea to fix that because i was probing and probing six hours

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #18 on: 30 May 2014, 00:25 »
For example i loades 7 races in time machine with the names of the horses in the file. Sometimes do well 2 horses, others 2 do that in play and others doesnt do anything
If i change the horses in the file and put horses that meet that criteria the same. Always happend the same steange things

In betsender for example y loAd the races of the day , put there th horses and the staking plan and does all do the things correct. i want join to markeetfeeder pro because have a lof of more options and i am programmer also of java, but i dont understand well the reason here

Hope be able to fix this trigger with your help
Thanks again

  • Élite
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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #19 on: 30 May 2014, 00:38 »
i just tested the trigger and it works as it should.
please include your trigger and selection list, so that i can see what the problem is.
also have you ticked the        allow small bets      (in the betting options)

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #20 on: 30 May 2014, 01:11 »
Incredible works perfect now.
I have put to alow small bets and tachan everything correct:). YOU ARE A GINIUS

A few question more for fininhed the trigger and start to probe in real mode

1 The correct way its after one days, erase all my horses selections , and put in the same file the news horses for that day and so on, isint it??

2 Its possible  to put the auotogreen its on with the parameters that i want or that function must be in the trigger??? i usually are not in the computer when the bets take place,

3 its possible to put a initial bankroll in the trigger, for example 500 e and the trigger record  what happend. For example i have 1000 euros , but 500 its for soccer and other 500 for this trigger. horses  The trigger star with the initial bankroll of 500, and after win or lost do the bets according this aoumont of bankroll, but want to record the best os the past days. so for example after aumont the bankroll its 600 e so the trigger calculte the 1 % of 600 and so on. I think only need that and finished the trigger

Like you know this trigger its the same that use maria laying system. The problem here its be good al choose the horses, jejee

Thanks Mcbee and hope your reply for start

Well done

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #21 on: 30 May 2014, 01:22 »
I am so happy. i have probe myself the point 2 no need answer the result are gret, no need to put that in the trigger. So happy

I think need your help for point 3 and finished,:)

  • Élite
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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #22 on: 30 May 2014, 07:05 »
1 The correct way its after one days, erase all my horses selections , and put in the same file the news horses for that day and so on, isint it??
yes that is correct.

3 its possible to put a initial bankroll in the trigger, for example 500 e and the trigger record  what happend. For example i have 1000 euros , but 500 its for soccer and other 500 for this trigger. horses  The trigger star with the initial bankroll of 500, and after win or lost do the bets according this aoumont of bankroll, but want to record the best os the past days. so for example after aumont the bankroll its 600 e so the trigger calculte the 1 % of 600 and so on. I think only need that and finished the trigger
sorry, but this is a new trigger request,so please apply for a new trigger.!/

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #23 on: 30 May 2014, 07:42 »
Ok i am going to try myself for learnt. I will join to the software and mybe i will paid one year so how i think i ill have free trigger request i will tell you that by then or paid for a private trigger
 Mi idea now its in soccer do that trigger. I think will be possible to do thatt trigger that i tell you inside this trigger and like are different markets can run together isint it

Markeefeeder pro can do the trigger betting in the correct score market?? 2 years ago one friend tell me that as imposible and i eont kno now

  • Élite
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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #24 on: 30 May 2014, 07:57 »
mfp can bet in any market available on betfairs api.
you can bet in the correct score market and have conditions to check the match odds market for prices or the market matched amount, so you only bet in markets with plenty of money been placed.
if you need any answers to conditions or other, then use the lower area of triggered betting and put your question.

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #25 on: 01 Jun 2014, 06:46 »
Mcbee in test mode the trigger works great but in real mode sometimes dont work correctly the autogreen on. I thinks its because my bankroll its too small and the initial bet its under 2 , do sometimes bad calculetion for stop lost and green up. When its more than this work really well. Can we do something or the only thing its wait for my bankroll grow:)

other things i want to buy the service SMS. Its possible to put Send me the profit or the lost to my movil at for example one hour, for know after allraces have finish my winings??


Pd1 i like the software. Its still posiible to buy a lifetimelicense???

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #26 on: 03 Jun 2014, 17:29 »
Can you modicate a little my trigger for do a  green up, because i think in this moment the trigegr its incomplete.  i was thinking in put a different green up depending of the lays odds. For example if the lays odds are under 3.5 green up at 35 % if the odds are between 3.5 and 7 green up for 50% and if are higher for 80. and iif its possible chech the lay side and put a back(minus 1lay) for not have to wait the back side.I would like a lot you can help me. Thanks and hope your reply for try to probe in real mode

  • Élite
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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #27 on: 04 Jun 2014, 12:40 »
your bank needs to be 2 euro plus the bet amount for back bets.
Can you modicate a little my trigger for do a  green up, because i think in this moment the trigegr its incomplete.  i was thinking in put a different green up depending of the lays odds. For example if the lays odds are under 3.5 green up at 35 % if the odds are between 3.5 and 7 green up for 50% and if are higher for 80. and iif its possible chech the lay side and put a back(minus 1lay) for not have to wait the back side
sorry you will need to make a new trigger request for this.

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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #28 on: 04 Jun 2014, 12:50 »
Ok When i buy the software i hope finish this trigger with the bankroll and the green up and stop lost

pd1 For the sms service i have to pay first the service??I try to put my telephone but any code was send to me

  • Élite
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Re: Horses by name please
« Reply #29 on: 05 Jun 2014, 17:50 »
for the sms question, please use the trouble shooting

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