Author Topic: How to get 1% of CURRENT walled (selected in MF settings)  (Read 7920 times)

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Currently in my trigger I can get funds available in UK or AUS wallet.
But how can I identify which trigger is selected in MF configuration?
I need start bet to be 1% and I often switch my MF configuration between UK and AUS markets.

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Have a look at trigger actions 45 to 47 in the manual. These should enable you to switch wallets in a trigger.

The attached trigger (courtesy of Oxa) will calculate a percentage of bank.
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Thanks. But what about adapting trigger to the wallet that was manually selected in settings? Eg how can I read that configuration from trigger and then get wallet amount based on current configuration? That is what my question about.

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I think you are looking for a variable which returns which wallet is currently selected and I don’t believe there is one.
The manual says that the program can only keep track of one wallet at any one time. Each time you switch wallets, by settings or by trigger, the Win/Lose History is reset. The current setting will be the current default wallet (and I understand you may not be sure which wallet is current.)
So I see 2 possibilities:
either at the start of your trigger, select the appropriate wallet using a trigger and conditions for the market
have 2 separate Profiles, one for AUS wallet settings and trigger, the other for UK wallet settings and trigger, and run 2 instances of the program. If you elect this option, be careful with the refresh rates so you do not go over the Data Request limit.

Hope this helps
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Is there a way to retrieve funds of "current" wallet in the trigger? Eg., without knowing which one is active.

Your first proposition is not good - because MF is about automation, not about doing something manually all the time. I have system, I want to turn it on my server and forget about it for one week and go develop another system. Something like this.


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Yes – one or more of the following General Variables through a trigger expression as a condition, or use it's value in a user variable:

With regard to setting the wallet through a trigger, I was suggesting making it fully automated by using trigger conditions relating to the market. For example:
Set AUS wallet
Condition: market’s name contains “(AUS)”
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I have modified the trigger attached earlier.
It should automatically:
set AUS wallet if market name contains "(AUS)"
back fav in AUS markets amount 1% of AUS wallet

the trigger is untested and is attached for your information.
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Sorry, this still does not answer my original question.

total_funds is a total of real funds available for betting. This is the sum of UK and AUS wallets. I do not need such a sum. I need funds available in CURRENT wallet. Why can't trigger get this programmatically - it is so simple.

Something like current_wallet_funds

  • Élite
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aus_balance is what is in your aus wallet
ul_balance is what is in your uk wallet
aus_funds is what is available after any bets are made
uk_funds is what is available after nay bets are made
total_funds are aus and uk wallets combined
balance is the amount fo real funds in your account

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 So I do not see how can I get info about currently active wallet in my trigger.

Mcbee please read original question.

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Re: How to get 1% of CURRENT walled (selected in MF settings)
« Reply #10 on: 10 Feb 2013, 10:08 »
You are correct – there is at present no variable current_wallet_funds or similar variable.
As a workaround I was suggesting a trigger:

set appropriate wallet in a trigger based on the markets you will be betting in
set user variable, name: current_wallet_funds, value: UK or AUS _funds depending on the previous trigger
user variable: current_wallet_funds is now available for use in your triggers


separate profiles for each wallet, in which case the current wallet funds will always be known from the profile settings
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: How to get 1% of CURRENT walled (selected in MF settings)
« Reply #11 on: 10 Feb 2013, 10:32 »
OK, thanks.
Could you please add this as a feature request then - eg current_wallet_funds etc.



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