Author Topic: laying again and again current score inplay correct score market  (Read 5216 times)

  • Guest
I am trying to create a trigger that does:
from the 30.min forward
laying the current score except the 0:0 in the correct score market
whenever a goal is scored, lay immediatly the new current score
between a price range (for every result different)

I tried many ways. the problem is to combine/reach the fact that only the current score should be laid, no others.

of course had a look into the forum, but cant find any actual solution (time ago there was a function marketscore or similiar, but now we have only "market score has changed" that doesnt help).


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
add a new constant
sc     0   start with initial value

add a new action to your betting trigger
variable name sc value market_score1+market_score2

add a new condition to your betting trigger
and selections trigger expression market_score1+market_score2 is greater than sc

so what will happen is
no score no bet
score=market_score1+market_score2 is plus 1 goal
so market_score1+market_score2 is greater than sc (because sc recorded 0) place bet
now because the trigger made a bet the variable sc = 1
so no more bets until market_score1+market_score2 is greater than sc again

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

  • Guest
such ideas are impossible to learn without initial help..
thx mcbee, will work trough it.

  • Guest
sometimes it works, sometimes not. I am sure I missed something or the structure of my trigger is false.

I add my trigger wherein I want only to lay 01, 10, 12. if you or someone have time to correct it - fine. if not, no problem. I will work it out.

thx anyway.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
the problem that i see is, you have conditions going against the values.
condition back price is equal or less than 1.2
value >= 1.19
so the condition plus the value only gives you .01 difference.
you need to alter the values to 10 or 20 ticks lower than your set conditions

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

  • Guest
oh yes, I corrected it to Lay Price is equal or greater than 1.2 (instead of Back Price is equal or less than 1.2).

but the problem remains: sometimes it works, sometimes not. trigger log says:

"Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression market_score1+market_score2 is greater than sc." FALSE
but should be true. so I think that the score on some markets are not be identified correctly. could it be?

  • Guest
but anyway:
playing around with market_score1 and ..2 I found a solution for my trigger, much more complicated, but it does the job.
thx again, mc bee.


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