Author Topic: Laying on the draw + laying unders  (Read 13773 times)

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Laying on the draw + laying unders
« on: 17 Dec 2014, 07:46 »
Hello MFT Team

Amazing job all of you are doing everyday.

As my first trigger request, i would like to test something like this :

Idea is is the title : when the match is about 60 minutes in play, score is still 0-0 :

1)a) laying on the draw (amount is a variable) in Match Odds when the odd is @ X (N is a variable)
at the same moment

1)b) laying Under 1.5 in O/U 1.5 market (amount is a variable) when the odd is @ Y (Y is a variable)

1)c) laying Under 2.5 in O/U 2.5 market (amount is a variable) when the odd is @ Z (Z is a variable)

I don't know if is it possible, but would it be possible to adapt/edit the same trigger when the score is 1-1 (in place ok 0-0 as above), and in this case, laying Under 2.5 + laying Under 3.5, and so on with higher draws scores (2-2, 3-3, etc...) ?   

Best regards

  • Élite
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #1 on: 20 Dec 2014, 17:33 »
do you want the trigger to places bets as the score changes.
0-0 bet
1-1 bet
2-2 bet
3-3 bet
4-4 bet
or do you want to be able to set the score you want to bet on and the triggers will only bet when your set score is correct.

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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #2 on: 20 Dec 2014, 19:18 »
Hello McBee

Thanks for your response.

What I have in mind is a trigger as much automated as possible once the criterias are met.

To make you understand the idea, here's an example with quite accurates odds.

60 minutes, score is still 0-0.

So in Match Odds, the draw is @2 (or not very far of it).

I would like to put 20 euros on lay the draw in Match Odds

At the same time,

I would like to lay under 1.5 goals (which is around @1.25) for 40 euros
+ lay under 2.5 goals (which is around @1.06) for 50 euros.

Thus, thera are two main ideas.

1) whatever the score is, i want to lay the draw @2 (or above) in Match Odds
2) laying 2 and 3 goals ahead of the actual score of the match in the over/under markets.

I hope it's clear (English is not my mother tongue). Feel free to ask anything else, of course :-)

Best Regards


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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #3 on: 20 Dec 2014, 21:35 »

In the 2 main ideas :

when i say whatever the score is, i mean whatever the draw score is.
And it's odds are @2 MAXIMUM of course

To be as flexible as possible, it would be nice to allow the trader to adjust the range :

If 0-0:

1) of the odds (for example index is 3 and back price is between @1.9 and @2) in Match odds
2) of the under/over 1.5 : lay price is between @1.25 and @1.3
     of the under/over 2.5 : lay price is between @1.05 ans @1.1

If 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 , 4-4 i suppose odds are the same as above, so what would be great is the trigger able to recognize in wich Over/Under market he must lay according the actual draw score in Match Odds.

  • Élite
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #4 on: 05 Jan 2015, 10:55 »
sorry for the delay.
ok, when the draw price is between 1.90 and 2.00 and the score is 0-0, you want to lay the draw and lay the under 1.5 and under 2.5.
if the score is 1-1 and the draw price is between 1.9 and 2.00 lay the draw and under 2.5 and under 3.5.
and so on for each draw score.

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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #5 on: 05 Jan 2015, 11:04 »
Hello Mc Bee

That's exactly what i would like to test  8)

Have a nice day


  • Élite
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #6 on: 05 Jan 2015, 14:02 »
do you want a lay bet placed on the draw for every draw score or just one lay bet and the others on the under markets as the score changes.
tests are going ok, just need this info then i can post the trigger.

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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #7 on: 05 Jan 2015, 14:26 »

I don't understand. Could you give me example of both situations ?

In my mind, Arsenal/Aston Villa :

- In match odds : draw (no matter if 0-0 or 1-1 or 2-2, etc) is between 1.90 and 2.00 then the trigger lay this draw in Match Odds

+ laying the unders.

So, once the trigger(s) has fired, what the trader has to do (if the amount of money on every market is correctly set)  is just waiting at least one goal to be sure to win.

Mainly, it a a basic "lay the draw" but with a possible extra bonus if two or three more goals are score.

Is it more clear or is it me who still understand nothing (what is highly probable ;D)   

  • Élite
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #8 on: 05 Jan 2015, 14:43 »
i added the option to just have 1 lay bet on the draw or 1 lay bet per 0-0,1-1,2-2,3-3 and 4-4, when set to more than 1 bet, the trigger will place a lay bet at 0-0,1-1,2-2,3-3 and 4-4 if the price is within your setting.
here is your trigger
in the constants you can set
Bet amount for the draw
Minutes since the in-play to stop placing bets on the draw
amount of bets on the draw    1=first within price    a=all draw scores
Minimum lay price for the draw
Maximum lay price for the draw
Bet amount for the under 1.5
Minimum lay price for the under 1.5 0-0
Maximum lay price for the under 1.5 0-0
Bet amount for the under 2.5 0-0
Minimum lay price for the under 2.5 0-0
Maximum lay price for the under 2.5 0-0
Bet amount for the under 2.5 1-1
Minimum lay price for the under 2.5 1-1
Maximum lay price for the under 2.5 1-1
Bet amount for the under 3.5 1-1
Minimum lay price for the under 3.5 1-1
Maximum lay price for the under 3.5 1-1
Bet amount for the under 4.5 2-2
Minimum lay price for the under 4.5 2-2
Maximum lay price for the under 4.5 2-2
Bet amount for the under 5.5 2-2
Minimum lay price for the under 5.5 2-2
Maximum lay price for the under 5.5 2-2
Bet amount for the under 6.5 3-3
Minimum lay price for the under 6.5 3-3
Maximum lay price for the under 6.5 3-3
Bet amount for the under 7.5 3-3
Minimum lay price for the under 7.5 3-3
Maximum lay price for the under 7.5 3-3
Bet amount for the under 8.5 4-4
Minimum lay price for the under 8.5 4-4
Maximum lay price for the under 8.5 4-4

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #9 on: 05 Jan 2015, 15:20 »
Thank you very much, Mc Bee

Your work is very much appreciate

See you soon (I have 3 or 4 other ideas in mind  ;D)


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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jan 2015, 15:06 »
Hello Mc Bee

The trigger works perfect with a 0-0 score.

Then it lays the draw @2(max), lays under 1.5 ans lays under 2.5 exactly the way i research.

The problem is it doesn't fire with a 1-1 score. He lays the draw @2 but lay of the unders doesn't work.

I think the issue is with a 1-1 score and around 60 minutes to play, the range "1.20 and 1.30" of the constants u2.5l3 and u2.5l4 is too high.

I believe those constants has to be attached to the under 3.5 market in place of the 2.5.

I believe the ba4 has to be connect to u3.5 market, ba5 has to be connect to u4.5 market, and so on till the end of the complete trigger.

Is it possible to fix it please ?

Best regards


  • Élite
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #11 on: 13 Jan 2015, 10:29 »
the constants (values/amounts) are there for you to alter as you want.
so if you think that the value of u2.5l3 and u2.5l4 is not what you want then alter them to the price you want.
if you want ba4 ect amounts to be different then alter them to what you require.
ALL the constants are there for you to alter to suit your system.
testing and altering the constants values are there for you to fine tune your system

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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #12 on: 15 Jan 2015, 20:56 »
Dear Mc Bee

Sorry to request your help one more time.

I have try changing the constants but the issue is still there.

The idea of this trigger is to always back 2 and 3 goals above the current draw score.

Ex: 0-0, draw reach @2 -> trigger both lay the draw in Match Odds + lay under 1.5 (2 goals ahead) + lay under 2.5 (3 goals ahead).

For 0-0 trigger works perfect

For 1-1, if you look at the trigger you have create, ba4 is link to the under 2.5 with 1-1, so
it's not 2 goals ahead of the 1-1 draw score.
I can fix the problem by changing the range of odds in the constants u2.5l3 and u2.5l4 by replacing 1.2 and 1.3 by 1.04 and 1.08
In addition, by changing u3.5l1 and u3.5l2 1.2 and 1.3 by 1.04 and 1.08 it's ok too

But at this time, the issue begin:

With 1-1, 3 goals ahead is under 4.5. I change the odds too but nothing happen, it doesn't fire.

I believe it's because ba6 is connected to the under 4.5 2-2

ba6 should (I think) be linked to the 1-1 score too.

When the trigger checked the conditions it doens't match to the 1-1 score and as the score is not 2-2, he is not able to fire).

Could you test it and tell me where am i wrong or if the trigger has to be modify ?

In my opinion, because the goal is always to be 2 and 3 goals ahead, the trigger won't never fire with 3-3 and 4-4 : with 3-3, it's under 8.5 goals + 9.5 goals which would have to be layed, and with 4-4, it's worst because it matters to 9.5 ans 10.5 goals.

So i think the trigger can be reduced to the 0-0, 1-1 and 2-2 score, 0-0 working the way you programmed it, 1-1 being link to under 3.5 and 4.5, and at last, 2-2 linked to 5.5 and 6.5 goals.

If you want to test with Time Machine, the game Arsenal-Man City from 13/9/2014 suit very well.

Have a good night.

I don't know if you already have a trigger which work good for you, but this one is really interesting : very low liab and huge reward.
By reading old forum posts, there is one among all of them who touched me: you said you help much all the customers but you were still waiting somebody to help you. I found it funny and absolutely true: i am not able to help you "technically" but this "method" is very rewarding in the long term. Some guys in the "tradingfootball site" used it a lot and it shows nice profits. So feel free to use it  ;D

Best regards and thanks again for your patience and help


  • Élite
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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #13 on: 17 Jan 2015, 11:57 »
I don't know if is it possible, but would it be possible to adapt/edit the same trigger when the score is 1-1 (in place ok 0-0 as above), and in this case, laying Under 2.5 + laying Under 3.5, and so on with higher draws scores (2-2, 3-3, etc...) ? 
sorry but i have done the trigger to your instructions as above, you said 1-1 lay under 2.5 and 3.5 and so on.
so please give exact markets to link with all scores ,0-0,1-1,2-2,3-3

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Re: Laying on the draw + laying unders
« Reply #14 on: 17 Jan 2015, 12:46 »

You are absolutely right. I tild you wrong markets to link together.Sorry

briefly, 0-0 has to be linked to 1.5 and 2.5;
             1-1 has to be linked to 3.5 and 4.5
             2-2 has to be linked to 5.5 and 6.5

Always 2 goals ahead of the current draw score.

No need to go over 2-2 draw. Too many markets to load

thank again for all your help



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