Author Topic: Martingale triggers  (Read 6415 times)

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Martingale triggers
« on: 20 Feb 2016, 22:24 »
Hi there! Please help me to make 2 triggers with martingale over/under markets, i attached original trigger to this message and here is what needs to be done for one:

1. Make bets on next market depends on the score, not by waiting previous market to settled, but also when placing bet recognise previous market bet as a loss without waiting it to settle, so it will add loss amount to initial bet(sometimes 2 fast goals are scored and trigger while waiting for it to settle miss the bet and not carry on placing any other bets on next markets if bet wasn't placed on market before ).

2. Cut this trigger to go up to over 5.5 goals only.

3. Green up on on 70 minute from the match start not matter what price, just green up at minute 70.

And second trigger is the copy from the requested first one, but without greening up at's all.

Thank you!!!

  • Élite
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #1 on: 24 Feb 2016, 13:13 »
here is your trigger,in the constants you can set.
Lay bet amount
Maximum lay price to take
Wait minutes after a goal then place the next bet 
Close bet                                     y=yes      n=no
Close bet time

as instructed the bets will be place up to and including the 5.5 market.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #2 on: 24 Feb 2016, 13:36 »
here is your trigger,in the constants you can set.
Lay bet amount
Maximum lay price to take
Wait minutes after a goal then place the next bet 
Close bet                                     y=yes      n=no
Close bet time

as instructed the bets will be place up to and including the 5.5 market.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below

Mcbee if i want it to close up to over 2.5 goals markets only do i need to add this conditons:

Markets Betting code is over/under(soccer) 0.5 
Markets Betting code is over/under(soccer) 1.5 
Markets Betting code is over/under(soccer) 2.5 

Also if i want it to close bet on 100 ticks i need to add conditon:

Selection Back price Dif over 100 mins is equal or less then 90

am i right?

  • Élite
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #3 on: 24 Feb 2016, 14:12 »
the market betting code conditions are correct.
not sure what you want to do with 100 ticks.
do you want to close if the price is more/less than 100 ticks at any time, or after the close time.

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  • Élite
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #4 on: 24 Feb 2016, 14:14 »
with your betting codes, you would have to add a new condition block and have each betting code in a OR condition.

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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #5 on: 24 Feb 2016, 14:15 »
the market betting code conditions are correct.
not sure what you want to do with 100 ticks.
do you want to close if the price is more/less than 100 ticks at any time, or after the close time.


Yes mcbee any time on 100 ticks, thank you!!!

  • Élite
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #6 on: 24 Feb 2016, 14:18 »
so you want me to add the new conditions, normally you would have to do a new request as i will have to retest the triggers again.
i will work on it later.

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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #7 on: 24 Feb 2016, 14:20 »
Yes please if you can, but i do run this trigger now and it did not placed over 0.5 lay bet for some reason as well tho

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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #8 on: 24 Feb 2016, 21:43 »
Hey mcbee i have another 3 triggers to request can i do this and need to post for each trigger seperate request?!

  • Élite
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #9 on: 25 Feb 2016, 16:19 »
here is your trigger, there is one new constant.
Close bet at any time if the tick difference is   

please use test mode


download the trigger below
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #10 on: 25 Feb 2016, 17:04 »
Thank you!

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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #11 on: 25 Feb 2016, 18:55 »
Still not working properly((( It does not placing initial bets sometimes

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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #12 on: 25 Feb 2016, 19:21 »
Oh yes it does now, it was half time break thats why, but it does not wait for market to settle and places initial bet after wait time since goal, what and were to add so after a goal it recognise previous bet as a loss? for example layed over 0.5 and goal scored so it need to place lay on over 1.5 + loss from 0.5, right now it does not..

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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #13 on: 25 Feb 2016, 20:54 »
Mcbee please help, here is  2 last moment in this trigger. 1st i want it to settle the market first then make next lay bet, right now it just places a lay bet after goal been scored without adding ny loss, i tried to fix it myself but no success. And 2nd moment It does not places any bet after cbt, but i do want it to stop placing bets only if there was no more then 2 goals scored by minute 75 and bet was closed as well, if for example before 75 minutes already 3 goals is scored i want to keep going with lay only bets, so i made it already to close bets only on 0.5 and 1.5 an 2.5 markets only(not sure if i did it right), now need to fix this so if 3 goals been scored it will keep going and placing lay bets on next markets to the end of the match. This is the idea with this trigger, if 2 goals maximum been scored till 75 minute we would win more when we close bet and another goal will come after 75min, but if there is already 3 goals is scored so we try winning just by keep playing to the max price we set, sometimes there will be a loss when goal will be scored at minute 90 for example it does happening often but with proper selections it should be good in long run, because greening up at minute 85 for example does not make sence as we still get a loss by greening up, closing bets on over 3.5 or more no makes sence as well as we get a loss too. Somewhere here at this minutes(after 75) when 3 goals is scored already is the trick to make it perfect and run without loss, but i got no idea how. I attached this trigger with my fixes but if you can have a look please and fix everything that described in this post i would really appreciate it, didnt even recognize i only allowed one free trigger request tho, so i hope i still get this trigger right))) Thank you!!!

  • Élite
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Re: Martingale triggers
« Reply #14 on: 25 Feb 2016, 22:22 »
i have tested the trigger again.
as you can see, all markets that you requested bets are placed also the close bets are placed at 70 minutes.
you can see that each market increases the bet amount to cover the lost amount plus the new stake.
market 1
0.5 market = stake 2.00 ; loss 0.14
1.5 market = stake 2.00 + (0.5 market loss 0.14+commission) 0.15 = 2.15
2.5 market = stake 2.00 + (0.5 market loss 0.14+1.5 market loss 0.67+commission) 0.85 = 2.85
the same for the other markets each market places the stake amount plus recovers every markets loss.
as i explained in the previous post any addition to the trigger requires a new request because we have to add the new conditions and then retest the trigger.
any errors with the trigger running are corrected free by posting in the trigger request thread.

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