  • #1 by PFawcettZ on 03 Dec 2018
  • Hi

    Looking to establish the max traded price over the lifetime of a market - I'm monitoring and backing one minute before the off. I notice that on the pricing ladder and BF Charts they will give the max traded price over the lifetime regardless of when I start monitoring. What formula or expression can I use for this please in terms of incorporating into a trigger? If a horse got traded at some point during the day at say odds of 15 for £5 and no other prices were traded above that and now before the off its at 10 but in the duration of that 1 minute before the off it has not moved above odds of 10 - how can I establish that max traded odds of 15 into my formula?

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 04 Dec 2018
  • Hello!

    Unfortunately this bit of information is not available in MarketFeeder Pro (we are working towards adding a variable for the maximum traded price at any given moment, but keeping a history of these values would consume too much computer memory).

    You can, however, get the maximum offered price of a selection over the set period of time via the variables maxbp_{interval in minutes} (for back prices) and maxlp_{interval in minutes} (for lay prices).