Author Topic: need variable, very import please  (Read 4440 times)

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need variable, very import please
« on: 04 Feb 2015, 23:09 »
Hi i need this variable for finish my trigger, so please help me for be able to go to real mode after 3 mounths working ;D

The things its that my trigger do a lay bet in the 2 and 3 favorite inplay   if the odds are between 4-8 in play, but i need that the trigger dont do that lay bet if that horse have reach the odds in play of 3 or down

Its possible thanks

i was thinking and maybe the expresión its something similar to

 and second favorites trigger expresión minbp its greater or equeal to 3 but not work

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Re: need variable, very import please
« Reply #1 on: 05 Feb 2015, 07:42 »
If I have understood you right, I think you should try:

selections  minbp_5 is greater than 3

This checks the minimum back price of the selection over the last 5 minutes. Replace 5 with whatever time you want to check.   If you cannot live with the last 1, 2, 5 minutes then:

To accurately check the time since the race started it is (in minutes), I think you need to use:

(now_time - event_off)/0.000694

So if you set a variable, lets call it           my_mins_gone  =  (now_time - event_off)/0.000694

then use the condition 

selections        minbp_my_mins_gone       is greater than           3

I think that should work but have never tried joining a variable to minbp_   (does anyone else know this?)

Don't forget that just because the back price fell less than 3, that does not necessarily mean that it has been matched, so to check that you would need to create a new variable to record the minimum last traded price as (to my knowledge) there is no standard variable for minlt_{minutes}  or maxlt_{minutes}   (ALTHOUGH THIS WOULD BE A VERY USEFUL UPGRADE............ PLEASE)

good luck.

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Re: need variable, very import please
« Reply #2 on: 13 Feb 2015, 19:46 »
Hi Angelito20, have you tried Alfaman's tip given? I was just checking if it worked out for you.
Greening Up

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Re: need variable, very import please
« Reply #3 on: 14 Feb 2015, 19:16 »
i am working still in the variable. I send you a message when i am 100 per sure that work

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Re: need variable, very import please
« Reply #4 on: 14 Feb 2015, 20:54 »
Yes its working fine. If need some advice or somethig tell me


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