Author Topic: [TR] New trigger  (Read 2329 times)

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[TR] New trigger
« on: 06 Dec 2016, 06:24 »
Gostaria de um trigger, que entrasse com lay ao over 0.5ht ou over 1.5 ft, e quando chegar no lucro de 10% da stack ou aos 15 min de jogo ele fechasse.

I would like a trigger, to enter with lay over 0.5ht or over 1.5ft, and when it reaches the profit of 10% of the stack or at 15 min of game it closes.

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Re: New trigger
« Reply #1 on: 07 Dec 2016, 18:43 »

Please see your triggers attached. Use the constants inside the file to adjust your triggers. Pay attention to the mkt_type constant: it is needed to choose the market you want to bet in.

To add the markets of your choice, use Market Locator.

Don't forget to test the triggers in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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