Author Topic: One thing so easy for answer  (Read 35177 times)

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #30 on: 15 Feb 2013, 00:51 »
In Lay 0-0 trigger you just need to delete the condition:
Market's minutes since the off is greater than 6.00
updated trigger attached.
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #31 on: 15 Feb 2013, 00:58 »
Mark in the trigger after the 20 minutes if no goal distribuite the profit. Can we put there another condition for  catch the best lay, not the avaible. Sometimes catch for example if the back its in 9 and the lay in 9.8 catch 9.8 but will be better catch 9.2 and distribuite profit

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #32 on: 15 Feb 2013, 08:16 »
The Distribute Profit action makes a small lay bet on each qualifying selection. I do not know how to place all these lay bets at a better price.

I think it is better to do what mcbee suggests in the other topic:
and Market's Lay book % is equal or greater than 97%

using this you will get the best prices (available)

Amended trigger attached. You will need to experiment to find the best % for getting the bets to fire.
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #33 on: 15 Feb 2013, 10:16 »
I may have misunderstood what you are asking, so this one will do the lay in 0-0 at 1 tick above current back price. The problem with this is it might not get matched.

In price box replace lay_price with r_ticks(back_price,1)
this is the same as mcbee said in the other topic.

trigger _8a attached
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #34 on: 15 Feb 2013, 13:56 »
Thanks MarkV
For the first bet in the back , maybe i can put this condition
and Market's Back book % is equal or greater than 97%. Sometimes happend the same but in the back side.
Now i dont understand the trigger 8.a. Because now we are going to put a lay bet in the same moment that we put the back bet without wait 6 minutes so now dont undertand the rticks(back_price,1). If i put the condition at least 2 ticks, now this it not nececesary i think. But this its not 100 per cent the thing that i want. I prefer instead of wait until the lay bet was 2 ticks less than my back bet, and do the bet. do it first.
Example. i back 20 pounds at 10 in o,o instead of wait until in the lay side was 9.6 put already the 9.6.Now this money will be in the back side instead of wait por the lay you understand??

Also i think i must left the condiction lay book its greater or equal than 97% in the profit distribution.
For the lay in the under 2.5 maybe will be nice pute  rticks(back_price,1)??


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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #35 on: 15 Feb 2013, 14:54 »
Back 0-0 before start
(Do not wait 6 minutes, but as soon as lay price is 2 ticks below back matched price do the lay.)
Inplay Lay 0-0 when lay price is 2 ticks less than back matched price, and you are offering a price 1 tick above current back price
Back 0-0 at 7.80
When lay price is 7.40 and back price is say 6.80,  lay 0-0 and ask for 7.00

Back 0-0 before start
As soon as inplay do lay for 2 ticks below back matched price

Let me know which one is right and then we can do the other things you want
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #36 on: 15 Feb 2013, 15:15 »
I think i must change the original post, now the thing so easy i dont know what to say:)
 its possible have the two. I like 8a and 8 b and i think the best think to know its to probe the two.  In your opinion will you prefer?

i think 8b has less risk, but not sure and i would like to probe the two

Thanks MarkV

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #37 on: 15 Feb 2013, 16:10 »
8b has less risk, but because you are offering a price there is no guarantee that it will be matched. If you want to do this you will have to have a method to deal with the unmatched bet.
Yes - test them and see which is best

Your other questions:
for the first back bet - yes - markets back book% is less than 103

distribute profit is ok as - no need for book%
for lay 2.5 you again will introduce more risk of not being matched
better to do markets lay book% is greater than 97
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #38 on: 15 Feb 2013, 20:11 »
MarkV i have probe the two trigegr
8a works good
8 b work really bad because in most of the mathes dont cath the lay bet.For example first do a back at ten and then do a lay bet at 9. Sometimes the math continue in 0-0 and the lay bet its now for example 8 but dont catch this bet. In the 8a yes everything right but i dont undertand the thing of the 8b.

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #39 on: 15 Feb 2013, 23:45 »
I tested 8b tonight and it worked OK - no problems.
Score was 0-0 after 20 mins
after distribute profit trigger, profit was 1.87
loss on 2.5 was 1.72

If you have seen another problem, please post a screenshot or a description and I will look at it.

Let me know if you want 8a or 8b or something else, and then I will do the other things you asked.
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #40 on: 16 Feb 2013, 00:18 »
I would like to have 8a and 8b because i like the two versions. I will probe again tomorrow 8b, because if the lay now its for example 8, and my lay bet was 9 , dont undertand why didnt math this bet....

The things i want to improve are

1 ) Now i will do a back bet in the under 2.5 in play after 10 seconds, and do a lay bet after 3,02 minutes for green up.(but  has to be at least 2 ticks less that my back bet in this market). Here if there is a goal in the minute 1,2,3 dont do the lay bet and wait until the minute 16 and then distribuite lost. if there are another goal i will lost everything.

2)  In the minute 3.10( if the lay bet of the correct score has not matched and the lay bet of the under  2.5 has done) do a lay bet  in under 2.5 and  when the lay bet of the correct score has done , do the back bet and distribuite lost. if there is a goal here wait 90 seconds and green up.If , the lay bet in the correct score was done thing very very rare dont do this.

I attach the triger 8a with the improvements

pd1 when i was running the trigger i see that for example i lost 2 pounds in the udner 2,5 and win 3 pounds in the correct score, so the trigger was no good.I hope with this was better, but i know i have more risk in the first minutes....

I hope you understand me for that i attach the trigger

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #41 on: 16 Feb 2013, 14:14 »
I have done Point 1
attached - untested

One question: why back Under 2.5 10 seconds after start? You will get a bad price. Prices are always best in last minute before start. I have changed it.

Point 2 I will look at maybe tomorrow, but if you would like to try it yourself and post it I can understand a bit better what you want.
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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #42 on: 16 Feb 2013, 23:06 »
no work well and i dont know how to fix that

Also its possible to do the same trigger for the second half

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #43 on: 17 Feb 2013, 06:49 »
both dist triggers need to be linked to there own market
dist profit to market 0-0
dist loss to under
also the dist loss needs the condition
and at least one selections profit/loss is less than 0

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Re: One thing so easy for answer
« Reply #44 on: 17 Feb 2013, 08:18 »
Thanks mcbee. I have updated the trigger but not tested.
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