  • #1 by clivetwo on 10 Jul 2012
  • Hi Guys this is a tricky one that I need help with.

    I need to lay a bet on the favourite only if it has won in the last two races, is this possible?

    Can a trigger remember that the favourite has won the last two races even though there have not been any bets placed?
    And if so how can this be achieved?

  • #2 by mcbee on 10 Jul 2012
  • hi
    you could use the test mode to place bets on the favorite, then have a trigger to switch to live for the next bet if there are 2 losses.
    then you can have another trigger to switch back to test mode after a win or loss if you only want 1 bet.
    BUT, you would have to have another trigger to reset the win/lose history everytime your other triggers switched test to live etc
    the triggers would have to be in the correct positions, ie reset winlose trigger after the switch test on/off triggers and so on
