  • #1 by JimShelly on 26 Dec 2022
  • Hi,

    What's the best way to pause betting when the target profit is met, then restart it the next day?

    I want to set a target for per cent of my_funds, say 5%. When the daily profit is met, stop betting (or go to test mode). Then the next day start again with a new target of 5% of the start-of-day my_funds.

    Thank you for any guidance you have,
  • #2 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 26 Dec 2022
  • You can create a trigger that sets target_profit for 5% of funds running once per event/market. This trigger (as a second action) should set a global trigger variable last_reset to now_time and check condition now_time is greater than last_rest + mf_hour*24
    Of course your betting trigger checks target_profit value.
    Then it starts betting every 24 hours. Note, you probably need to not reset if the target_profit has not reached in 24 hours.