Author Topic: Previously discussed green/red trigger  (Read 7781 times)

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Previously discussed green/red trigger
« on: 01 Oct 2015, 18:12 »
I am new to this forum and have been reading up on old topics here. Very interesting. Came across this and wondered if this trigger was ever made. If yes, then can someone point me to it and if not would it be possible to make it?

The above thread more or less covers all the ground but just to clarify, the idea is to:
 (a)  make a variable number of bets pre off - backs, lays or both.
 (b)  either level stakes or dutch.
 (c)  set a predefined profit target.
 (d)  set stop loss.
 (e)  option to go in play or close out at N seconds before off.
 (f)  some selections will show a profit and some will show a loss to give a net profit or loss     (distribute profit for selections showing a profit and distribute loss for those showing a loss, to give an overall profit or loss)
 (g)  if profit/loss targets reached then close out all bets.
 (h) close out at N seconds before off, regardless of profit or loss (as above in (f)).
 (i)  if NOT h, then take a chance in play.

== In Play.
- Any unmatched opening bets get cancelled.
- Any unmatched Bets to close open positions to go in play.
- If race is P% run then close all bets to take whatever profit loss at current prices.

A trigger like this would be a great learning exercise for me, so hope it gets done.

Many thanks

  • Élite
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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #1 on: 02 Oct 2015, 15:43 »
back betting first is ok, but i need to know the market and how many selections etc.

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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #2 on: 02 Oct 2015, 19:03 »
Thanks for the response.

I think it is all a little vague at the moment, almost by necessity.

The idea is to look at a market (horse racing win markets only), and try to judge which horses' odds are likely to go out and which are likely to come in. Then make lay or back bets as required. Type of race (factors such as distance, class etc) are all irrelevant - selection is purely a matter of judgement of direction of odds.

Then monitor the odds to establish the hedged profit or loss on each selection, and add them all up. If they all add up to a positive number, you have a profit, if not then a loss.

When the profit or loss target is reached, or race is about to start, then make the closing bets at current odds with the appropriate stakes and lock in a profit or loss. As I said in my first post, there would be the option of going in play up to a certain percentage of the race is run, then close out if targets haven't been reached.

Without being too long winded, an example would be that after looking at a race I decide to lay 2 horses and back 1 at current odds. So my opening bets are:

 - lay Horse A for £10 at 3.5
 - lay Horse B for £10 at 4.0
 - back Horse C for £10 at 2.8

After a while the odds have moved to say, A=2.5, B=6 and C=2.4
Calculate the stake: (Opening Odds/Closing Odds) * Opening Stake
Stakes for A=14, B=6.66 and C=11.66

So, the opposite bets would be:
 - back A for £14.00 at 2.5 to give profit/loss of -£4.00
 - back B for £6.66 at 6 to give +£3.33
 - lay C for 11.66 at 2.4 to give +£1.16

Total the 3 to give +£0.49*.95=£0.46. If this is greater than the profit target (or less than the loss target), then make the bets as above and take the profit or loss.

I think the selection process might be a problem, but I think the only way would be with one or more variables. So, for each race I would type into the variable, say back horses ranked x, y and z and lay horses ranked a and b. Variables for Min and Max odds would have to be included.

I can't think of anything else at the moment. So, many thanks and I look forward to your response.

  • Élite
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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #3 on: 02 Oct 2015, 19:42 »
as i said before , back bets first are ok, but lay bets and mixing bet types would be to difficult to do.
so horse racing
start with minimum ran and maximum rank with a maximum of 3 selections, green up or distribute the loss on each selection, if the total makes a profit of more that x.
what conditions would you like.

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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #4 on: 03 Oct 2015, 10:51 »

Disappointed to not get mixed backs and lays. Would it be possible to get back OR lay with some kind of switch?

As for selections, I am happy with 3, but I need to be able to pick any 3 at the time (i.e., not a predetermined 3, like rank 1,2 & 3 or rank 3,4,5 ...). So I should be able to pick, say, 2,4 and 7 or any other combination?

Other conditions:
- Min odds (2.00)
- Max Odds (20.00)
- Start betting (10 minutes before off)
- Choice of going in play:
    -- if yes, then maximum 75% of race and close all open bets
    -- if no, then close all open bets at 30 seconds before off.
- Profit Target (10% of stake)
- Loss (20% of stake)

Many thanks.

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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #5 on: 10 Oct 2015, 11:23 »

Just wondering if this is still live as I only have a few days of my one month trial left.

Many thanks.

  • Élite
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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #6 on: 11 Oct 2015, 12:18 »
as you required back and lay bets, i have passed the request to oxa.

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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #7 on: 13 Oct 2015, 14:16 »
Hi hcap25,

Your triggers are ready and you're right, all others will benefit from learning from them. So I made a trigger example which you can check out on this page:

Greening up on multiple positions with a target profit
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #8 on: 13 Oct 2015, 15:27 »
A great addition to the trigger library.

Thanks Oxa ( and hcap25)


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Re: Previously discussed green/red trigger
« Reply #9 on: 19 Oct 2015, 14:30 »
Hi mcbee and Oxa,

Just started playing with this - looks good, in fact it looks very good. I think there is enough here for me to be able to modify the trigger to do slightly different things (in time!).

Good work and many thanks.

And to LarpHarper, Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.


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