Author Topic: Price Blend  (Read 1696 times)

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Price Blend
« on: 07 Jul 2021, 02:44 »
Hopefully someone has an answer for this question. 

For a model I am testing I want to base my rated price on a blend of the betfair back price and the imported price I generate via the model. 

For instance, I want the trigger to place a bet where the back price is 5% greater than my blended price. For discussion sake the blend would be calculated via a user variable...

(imported_1 + back_price)/2

Does anyone have any experience blending imported prices and the back price? If so, will the above work?


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Re: Price Blend
« Reply #1 on: 07 Jul 2021, 02:49 »
Correction to the above. The accurate blended price would be determined by (imported_1+(1/back_price))/2


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