Author Topic: Questions on Back accumulator Staking plan  (Read 10402 times)

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Questions on Back accumulator Staking plan
« on: 27 Jan 2014, 16:36 »
Hi there,

I am trying to get the Back Accumulator Staking plan to work for me...and I believe it will...but I have a few questions..if anyone could help me...would hugely appreciate......

(1)....On the backing part of the trigger...Conditions are as follows....Trigger Backing Number of runs is equal to 0 overall or Previous Triggered Events status is settled...

I am trying to add in condition here where AND selection price is between fig1 and fig2 AND All Other Selections are greater than fig3...

When I try and Save this condition I get Error Same level conditions and blocks must be connected by identica logical operators (AND,OR,AND NOT,OR NOT).

(2) on the Backing part of the one stage during testing it added 2 bets for seperate events at the exact same time....even tho criteria is Trigger Backing Number of runs is equal to 0 overall or Previous Triggered Events status is settled...How do I make sure this cannot I only ever want one "live" bet at a time.

Thanks a million for any info.


Aidan :)

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Re: Questions on Back accumulator Staking plan
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jan 2014, 22:11 »
The attached trigger file is a modified version which has your betting conditions included.
In the constants you can set your figs 1 to 3.

Please use test mode when trying it out.

For your second question, please can you confirm that you are not deleting settled or finished events automatically, because the trigger needs the settled markets to be in My Markets. The trigger logs will need to be checked to identify which condition of the two failed, and why.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Questions on Back accumulator Staking plan
« Reply #2 on: 07 Feb 2014, 10:08 »
Hi Mark,

Thanks a million for the modified trigger and the suggestions....and the trigger appeared to be working quite well , until it seems to have acted strangely on one particular bet..

It should work as follows.

Initial stake 10
Bet 1 if loss then next stake = 10 if win = 10*2
Bet 2 if loss then next stake = 10 if win = 10*2
Bet 3 if loss then next stake  = 10 if win = 10

However after a win....the next stake was set at just 10

previously in the logs it had worked correctly and the program was running continously..with no changes to settings not sure what happened...I couldn't figure out how to attach screen shots and actual trigger file so I have sent them in a seperate email to [email protected] appreciate your help on this.



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Re: Questions on Back accumulator Staking plan
« Reply #3 on: 07 Feb 2014, 12:55 »
I couldn't figure out how to attach screen shots and actual trigger file so I have sent them in a seperate email to [email protected] appreciate your help on this.


You need 5 posts on the forum to be able to attach files.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Questions on Back accumulator Staking plan
« Reply #4 on: 07 Feb 2014, 15:30 »
Thanks for forwarding the email.

There is a constant which specifies the cycle length. This is set to 3 in the file you sent.
The trigger will reset to initial stake either if there is a loss, or if the cycle length is reached. Try setting the cycle length constant to a higher figure.

Checking your screenshots, the conditions are correct in the log.
It shows the Sao Paulo market P/L less than 0 as true
and the statement shows the Sao Paulo market as a loss.
I think on the previous market the cycle maximum was reached.

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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