  • #1 by Jeferson Oliveira on 21 Jun 2018
  • Hello!
    I would like to request a robot, of course if possible.
    The robot I wanted, would be from dutching to greyhound racing, where I could choose how many greyhounds to enter.
    Example: he would enter the 1st and 2nd favorite by odd, or 1st, 2nd and 3rd favorite by odd.

    It would have to also have some conditions where I could configure how to:
    • Minimum number of runners
    • When you start betting (seconds before start)
    • Bet amount (% of the bank) or value of the desired profit.
    • Loss stop (% of bank)
    • Green stop (% of bank)
    • Number of steps in the loss recovery cycle
    • Number of simultaneous inputs

    Would it be this.

    Thanks in advance.
  • #2 by Jeferson Oliveira on 21 Jun 2018
  • OK!
    I'm waiting for the robot.
  • #3 by Jeferson Oliveira on 21 Jun 2018
  • Hello!
    I'd like to request a robot, of course, if possible.
    The robot I wanted, would be from Dutching to greyhound racing, where I could choose how many greyhounds to enter, and which ones to enter.

    Example: I want to enter 3rd. 4th and 5th favorite for the odds, later could enter the 4th and 6th favorite.

    that is, I want the choices to be flexible, where I can choose how many greyhounds to enter and which ones to enter.

    It would also have to have some conditions where I could configure how to:
    • Minimum number of runners
    • When you start betting (seconds before you start)
    • Value of the bet (% of the bank) or value of the desired profit.
    • Loss stop (% of bank)
    • green stop (% of bank)
    • Number of steps in the loss recovery cycle
    • Number of simultaneous inputs

    Would it be this.

    Thanks in advance.
  • #4 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 23 Jun 2018
  • Please see your triggers attached.

    Use the constants to adjust the settings.

    Make sure you have tested the triggers in Test Mode.