Author Topic: Soccer auto lay bet placing  (Read 4550 times)

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Soccer auto lay bet placing
« on: 26 Jan 2013, 11:28 »
Howaya Everybody,,

I am wondering will the Market Feeder software be able to perform the following....and also how reliable would the timings be....

In a given soccer match if the score is either (Score1) or (Score2) at or after 35 minutes but less than 60 between the 35th and 60th minute if the score is either score 1 or score 2..then place a bet...and only place one bet per match...

I am wondering how reliable the times would be ...

Thanks a million for any assistance...



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Re: Soccer auto lay bet placing
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2013, 12:37 »
Yes - that can certainly be done.
MarketFeeder starts timing the duration of the game from the suspension and re-opening of the market at the start of the game. The only margin of error will be time added on after the first half and the length of the half time break. As a general rule 18 minutes for these two seems to work well.

So to translate that to a trigger:
Market's minutes minutes since the off is between 35 and 77
     Selection's Trigger Expression market_score1 is equal to <your score1 home>
     and Selection's Trigger Expression market_score2 is equal to <your score1 away>
     Selection's Trigger Expression market_score1 is equal to <your score2 home>
     and Selection's Trigger Expression market_score2 is equal to <your score2 away>
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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