I want to learn a bit about triggers but I like to learn on good examples of usage different things and how it works.
So would like to ask for trigger that works that way:
It will be modification of martingale over/under trigger in your learning library.
initial bet amount
Lay bet amount on over 1.5 just after after game is in play and matched volume is higher than 1000 EUR (parameter to set) and prices are between price1 and price2
Green up if possible 1% of bet amount (parameter to set, for example if I bet 10, green up when win is 0.10) if there is no possibility to green up wait.
If green up happend - stop betting on this event (do not bet anymore for other over/under markets for this particular event)
If there is second goal scored before green up happened then lay over 2.5
If there is third goal scored lay over 3.5 etc. up to 8.5 (like in mentioned trigger)
Stop betting when there is 85 minute of the football match (40 minute of second half) - parameter to set
bets amount in should behave like in martingale over/under trigger in your learning library.
Trigger can bet maximum 5 lay bets (parameter to set)
Parameters needed:
Initial bet amount
amount of lay bets can be placed
Market volume matched (for only first step)
price of lay minimum
price of lay maximum
green up bet %
minutes before end to stop betting
Best regards,