Author Topic: Two big Problem  (Read 5708 times)

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Two big Problem
« on: 07 Jun 2014, 14:14 »
Hi i have two big problems , and without solving that i can do anything.

1) My trigger its very simply. Only lay horses, 1 minute before the start, that i have been put in a  txt before. In the setting i have put start monitoring 5 minutes before the race. Sometimes dont do that because are refreshing the last market , so the trigger don work. Some option for fix that. Very frustaiting, for example now i put a horse that doden won , but dond to the bet, because evein if the market are already in play the program dont refresh that.

2) I dont know if that ir for the point 1, but i think also has problem. Its that a lof of times the program dont read well the txt.In my txt i put only the names of the horses like
Silver Man
Swiss Cross

Thanks and need help for start working, because its impossible in this moment and i have to be in the cimputer, and that i dont want because i did first my txt

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #1 on: 07 Jun 2014, 14:23 »
Thinking about problem 1 i have seen that maybe its because the horse races are to close.EXAMPLE of today

14:55: worc,
15:00 : Epsm
15:05 Donc

I have put the refresh now in only 3 minutes , but the same problem. Sometimes dont refresh de markets

Mayne need put something about refresh in the trigger??

  • Élite
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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #2 on: 07 Jun 2014, 14:25 »
can you include screen shots of your monitoring options (in the settings at the top of the bot screen)

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #3 on: 07 Jun 2014, 14:55 »
I have noticed for example others markets now without refreshing. was the espm 15:40. I saw that this race star 5 minutes later of the time, start at 15:45 instead of 15:40. I dont know, if this is a reason

Other Thing like i dont use the chart so often mayb i have to put a high valor, or put things offs that are no necesary for me. Maybe will be better. The only thing that i need its a high refreshing in play markets due to the stop lost and green up trigger

I saw also in the conection monitor that my total request avarge its near 16. Today i have load 50 horses markets

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #4 on: 07 Jun 2014, 15:14 »
Mcbee Other question Like a have all my Lays bets of the day in a txt. After load the trigger you think i must load also in my markets my txt for only have one horse????Or thats its the same. I tell you for the point 2 answer, but i ont know if for the green up or other things this work good or better dont do that

  • Élite
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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #5 on: 07 Jun 2014, 16:19 »
your settings are ok.
canyou show a screen shot of the market not been monitored please.

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #6 on: 07 Jun 2014, 16:50 »
I dont know the reason but after put Timeframe 1 seconds intead of 1 minutes works well. I dont know whats means that but seen things go fine now. The problems the request its  hight very near 20.But fine

The problems its with point 2.

One of the races start at 17:45 and the other at 17:50. The triggers do the lay bet in the 17:45 and must to do now the bet  in the market 17:50. The triggers seems that have not load tha market of 17:50 yet and has still the market of the 17:45 and for that reason dont do the lay bet here, because when the trigger read the market its finished,  even if all the condition are true and without this the trigger have done the bet.. See atach please

Some help please, because without this i can not bet in two markes two close.

 Thanks a lot

Update from now

If i load the txt in my markets i see that the program recognize the name of the hourse Modeligo, but in the trigger

18:07:00   Checking condition and Selection's Lay Price is between Range4 and Range5.
18:07:00   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 7 selections: Modeligo, Double Chocolate, Annamult, Thefriendlygremlin, Fortification, Shine In Time, Queenswood Bay.
18:07:00   Checking condition and Market's Number of Selections is equal or greater than 9.
18:07:00   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 7 selections: Modeligo, Double Chocolate, Annamult, Thefriendlygremlin, Fortification, Shine In Time, Queenswood Bay.
18:07:00   Checking condition and Selection's Name is in file C:\Archivos de programa\MarketFeeder Pro 7\selections.txt.
18:07:00   Condition is: FALSE.
18:07:00   Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #7 on: 07 Jun 2014, 17:29 »
The same happend after two markets very near :(

  • Élite
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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #8 on: 07 Jun 2014, 18:59 »
you are running a staking plan.
these require the previous race to be settled, so that the triggers can calculate the next stake.
you will have to choose markets with race time at least 10 minutes apart.

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #9 on: 07 Jun 2014, 19:33 »
No i am not running a staking plan

I only bet 1% of the banks if the odds are less than x, and 0,6% if are higher

For me its the same if won or lost the before race. Hope you can help me. The trigger its the one you made me ;)

  • Élite
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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #10 on: 07 Jun 2014, 19:38 »
sorry, can you include your trigger and your selection list for today please.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Two big Problem
« Reply #11 on: 07 Jun 2014, 20:42 »
I hope to fix that because everything its perfect for me and i am happy to find this software, but not able to left the software alone its frustraiting

Also i dont know if the stop lost its perfect. I thinks yes because 19 times of 20 do the things well, but sometimes do strange thisgs like the image attach, but maybe its because in play the odds move so quicly and for that reason happend that. Like said before only 1-20 happned that


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