Author Topic: Under Over Martinage and wait stabilized odds...  (Read 4132 times)

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  • Posts: 18
Hello, I just started to use this fantastic software! is perfect! compliments.
I have a problem: how to use test the trigger under / over martingale;
1) choose the match Inter - Juve
2) select all the under / over 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ...
3) the bets are made correctly
4) Start with lay over 0.5 @ 1.10
5) A team scores ...
At the second step the odds is not yet stabilized and therefore lay over 1.5 @ 1.79 while waiting for a few seconds the odds stabilizes @ 1.19/1.25 ... How can I make sure that the next operation occurs at much stabilized?

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Re: Under Over Martinage and wait stabilized odds...
« Reply #1 on: 30 Mar 2013, 14:06 »
In each trigger for laying e.g. Total score=1, Total score=2
Add one or both of the following conditions:
Market’s minutes since last suspension is greater than 1.50 (adjust to your need)
and Market’s lay book% is greater than 95.00

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