Author Topic: What is the formula to work out the back side for a Matched betting trade  (Read 2583 times)

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  • Posts: 185

Currently I am laying and then firing off a back bet 20 ticks above my lay price , this goes in play unmatched. The issue is how do I get it to work out the amount to bet on the back bet inplay , so when it gets matched it will green across all selections.

Layed 100 at 4.20
Back 105 at 6.40
Then I have to hope my green trigger greens up before the end of race

How do I just get the first back bet at 20 ticks above my lay price to bet the amount needed to greenup if matched?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
use the    attempt to green up   action , it is the same as green up but it places the bet unmatched.
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  • Posts: 185


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