Author Topic: [TR] back under  (Read 5555 times)

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[TR] back under
« on: 18 Oct 2016, 12:59 »
trigger back under 0.5 to 6.5

.ba € 2
.tempo that minute bets back this market
.gt time in minutes to green will best odds

  example, if the game is 1-0, 0-1 = under 1.5
refreshes the current market each exmple 5 sec, and memorizes the odd lay repeats during the 90 minutes of the game to the current result.

in under 2.5
when the market suspends, place 3 bets back, lasting 1 minute.

example under 1.5 odd lay 4
                 under 2.5 back odd 4 / 4.1 / 4.2

if the stakes are not met within one minute cancel all if they are matched close in green will better odds.

If goal move to the next market.
Repeat the process whenever the market is suspended at the present under.

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Re: back under
« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct 2016, 10:25 »

I need some clarifications on your request, please explain in more details (I realize it might be difficult for you to explain in English, but don't worry, I will try to understand you if you provide more examples. If your native language is Spanish or Italian, you may duplicate your description in those languages as I can read them).

.tempo that minute bets back this market

Do you mean the match minute in which the bet must be placed? Is it "exactly in this minute", or "before that minute", or "after that minute"?

memorizes the odd lay repeats during the 90 minutes of the game to the current result.

I did not get this part. Please provide more details.

in under 2.5
when the market suspends, place 3 bets back, lasting 1 minute.

example under 1.5 odd lay 4
                 under 2.5 back odd 4 / 4.1 / 4.2

I did not understand this either. How can you place a back bet on "under 1.5" in the "Over/Under 2.5 Goals" market? What parameters do these 3 bets must have?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: back under
« Reply #2 on: 24 Oct 2016, 15:48 »
 .tempo que minute bets back this market.

  is the time at which the bet is active in the market.
example 1 or 2 minutes if the bet is not matched, cancel all bets.

memorizes the odd lay repeats During the 90 minutes of the game to the current result.

It is a trigger for when the market suspend know odd that was.

I did not understand this either. How can you place the bet back on "under 1.5" in the "Over / Under 2.5 Goals" market? What parameters do these 3 bets must have?

I want to place bets on the following under, only when there is a goal
the game is 0-0 (under 0.5 odd 5) there is a goal, and the market suspended.
market under 1.5 place 3 bets above 5 / 5.1 /, 5.2 /

another example 1-0 (under 1.5 odd 2) there is a goal, and the market suspended.
market under 2.5 place 3 bets up 2 / 2:02 /, 2.04 /

I hope you understand.

sorry for my English.

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Please see your triggers attached.

They are quite interesting from the technical standpoint. So basically the triggers do the following:

1. Remember the lay price that the Under selection in the current Over/Under market had right before a new goal was scored.

2. Place three BACK bets at the remembered lay price and at prices that are 1 tick and 2 ticks higher on Under in the next Over/Under market that has become the new current market after the new goal.

3. Cancel those bets if they have not been matched within a minute.

4. If they have been matched, green them up after 5 minutes.

The parameters that are included in the triggers (the duration of bet, the time to wait before greening-up and the size of the bets) can be adjusted in the constants.

You will need to load all of the Over/Under markets for each match you want to trade with. You can do this using Market Locator.

The only thing I'd like to warn you about is the fact that those bets rarely get matched. Usually the prices in the next market are way lower than they were in the previous one. But you can play with the trigger and experiment with constants until you are happy with the result.

Make sure you have tested them in Test Mode first.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: [TR] back under
« Reply #4 on: 26 Oct 2016, 23:32 »
thank you.

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Re: [TR] back under
« Reply #5 on: 14 Dec 2016, 13:59 »
That's an impressive trigger, Oxa


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