Author Topic: Trigger issues  (Read 2354 times)

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  • Posts: 38 Trigger issues
« on: 25 Jan 2018, 13:51 »

A trigger I have used for over 6months now without problem has had problems this week and I am aware it is only after I upgraded to this latest version of MF.

In short the trigger executes OK the first time, but then stops, when I look through the logs I see it is not executing again because it is showing as the previous event has not settled.

At first I thought this was maybe a BF issue and so just reset the trigger myself. But it is continuing to happen today.

Has anyone else experienced this with this version? just wanted to check before I revert to see if it fixes it.

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Re: Trigger issues
« Reply #1 on: 25 Jan 2018, 14:04 »
aha, I obviously did a "man look" before posting this, no sooner had I posted it than my eyes spotted the thread but a few lines further down.

Sorry for the duplication!

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Re: Trigger issues
« Reply #2 on: 25 Jan 2018, 14:56 »

Do you delete the finished events after they have been settled?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Trigger issues
« Reply #3 on: 25 Jan 2018, 15:06 »
Hi Oxa 

just to be clear this is not a problem with my trigger it has worked for a long time as it is without any problem. The only change has been the update to software version.

I do not delete events as I know it needs to know the outcome in order to reset the stake and be ready for next bet.

The clincher is that I have just reverted to and it is working again fine now.

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Re: Trigger issues
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jan 2018, 15:11 »
I need to tick off everything before I can assume there is something wrong with the new version, as it does work with similar triggers without problems.

Actually, it could have been a different condition that was preventing the trigger from working. So if you looked in the log and saw that "Previous Triggered Event's Status is Settled" was wrong, it could be so at that moment, but later on the trigger would not fire for some other reason. It makes sense to always check the latest records in the log which provide the most actual information about the trigger execution process.

Please attach both the trigger file and the log (the whole log), so that I could investigate into this further.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Trigger issues
« Reply #5 on: 25 Jan 2018, 15:32 »
Hi Oxa

I was watching it live, I am very used to this trigger and how it works (The trigger I use is based on the fibonacci trigger.)

Normally the market settles, there is the usual pause between the balance clearing and the staking trigger executing to set the next stake dependent on the race outcome. Then at the next race it bets accoringly 

What is happening now is that the race settles, the balance clears, but the  blocks that changes the stake for the next race do not execute. But even allowing for that when I watch the races live and watch the logs as it is happening it is not betting because it is saying previous event it not settled.

As I say I have reverted back to and with no change to the trigger all is working fine again now.


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